Here are various athletics-related photos gathered in recent years from numerous sources.
The quality of some may be below par, due in many cases to the copying process employed
(e.g. re-photographing a hand-held original). If owners are able to make a better digital copy
sometime and forward it to me, I would be very grateful.
My apologies to those whose names I have either got wrong or have forgotten.
If you can put me right on any of these,
please e-mail me.
1 - Winners of the Inter-House 'Open' Athletics Events, 1947.
L to R: WN Vickers (880 yards), E Davies (High Jump), 'Hooty' Lambert (220 yards & 110 yards Hurdles), MH Cleary (Captain, School House - Winners),
SJ Bryant (Mile & Cross Country), P Smith (100 yards), J Hansen (Long Jump), B Leyland (440 yards).
Photo courtesy of John Hansen, who adds:
"Notice that there were no throwing events, and that there were no cheap tracksuits available either,
but we were permitted to wear 'casual' clothes on the day."
2 - 1950 Athletics Cup Winners. Left to right:
Back row: A Read, R Sibley?, T Morgan, D Willis, D Croad, R Frampton, RV Fooks, R Dean, J Mathews;
Front row: I Carr, RQ Clark, RV Shore, K Osborne, B Palmer.
Photo courtesy of Tom Morgan.
3 - 1952 Sports Day Programme.
Photo courtesy of Gordon Hickmore.
4 - Senior Athletics Team, July 1952, left to right:
Back row: P Philips, J Rawlins, D Hurn, B Burke, M Stabler, A Crocker;
Middle row: D Kemp, I Mardon, D Willis, T Read, K Osborne;
Front row: P Garland, K Jukes.
Photo courtesy of John Rawlins.
5 - Athletics Cup Winners 1953, left to right:
Back row: D Williams, D Nickell, K Osborne, C Hood, R Bugg;
Middle row: P Fry, N Tomes, C Bullocke, J Rawlins, J Loveys;
Front row: FV Dean, M Hardwicke, D Mundy, N Adams.
Photo courtesy of John Rawlins.
6 - The Athletics Sports Cup Winners of 1955, the year of Mr RW Hill's retirement.
Photo courtesy of Godfrey Lancashire.
7 - 1955: Kent Stanton. Also, John Perry (centre), Mr DAG Willis (background), Mr S Walton (Timekeeper) and EGB Moore (extreme right).
Photo courtesy of Kent Stanton.
8 - 1955 Intermediate Hurdles: l to r: Oakford, Phillips, Felton, Stanton.
Photo courtesy of Kent Stanton.
9 - The 1956 Athletics Cup Winners. The names are difficult to read. From left to right:
Back Row: R Norman, D Gould, C Etherington;
Middle Row: PB Watkins, FA Barber, R Churchouse, J Perry, M Garner, K Rushen, G Hutchings (later to become a TV star!);
Front Row: RE Graham, JAR Taunton-Rigby, J Boucher, D Gibbons, P Dillon, A Nickell, D Blanchard.
Photo courtesy of Chris Etherington.
10 - Unidentified thrower of the javelin, but with CA Walton behind, wearing No. 5, Messrs JA Bristow and PH Lewendon to the right.
Photo courtesy of Mr JA Bristow.
11 - A track event at the Junior School, with Messrs Brookfield and Bristow on the right.
Photo courtesy of Mr JA Bristow.
Now the photos that were on my original website.
Here is a collection of photos from the Annual Sports Day, 1958. Again, if anyone can correct any errors, or fill in any gaps, then please e-mail me
Part of the interest here is in the backgrounds - does anyone recognise other chums or members of their family?
12 - Roger Taunton-Rigby wins the 1-mile event by a clear margin.
13 - Dickie Duckett just beats Frank Bowering to the line.
14 - R Davies.
15 - Left to Right: Dickie Duckett, John Bundy, Roger Taunton-Rigby, Egbert Moore, Tommy Thomas, Roger "Jack" Dawe, Tony Barber. Roger Taunton-Rigby's comments.
Now a group of six photos kindly submitted by the late Tony Barber's wife Alison:
16 - And they're off! What a coincidence that this photo was taken perhaps a second or so after the previous one!
Photo courtesy of Alison Barber.
17 - Tony Barber (right) wins the relay. Also ran, l to r: Ken Rushen, ?, Tim Boucher.
Photo courtesy of Alison Barber.
18 - Tony Barber collects his well-earned trophy.
(This must have been a different year from the other photos, perhaps 1959, as the presenter of trophies differs from the one shown
a few photos further on.)
Photo courtesy of Alison Barber.
19 - l to r: Malcolm Freeth, Tony Barber, David Blanchard, Richard Rogers. Same year as the previous photo.
Photo courtesy of Alison Barber.
20 - Tony Barber again on another occasion.
Photo courtesy of Alison Barber.
21 - Same year again. l to r: Ken Rushen, Roger Taunton-Rigby, Tony Barber, Malcolm Freeth, Mr Brookfield.
Photo courtesy of Alison Barber.
22 - Roger Taunton-Rigby wins again.
23 - Alan Neades off to a good start.
24 - Ken Rushen wins a cup. Mr Goddard assists.
25 - Mr Bax anticipates the landing as John Perry flies through the air with the greatest of ease.
26 - John Perry clears the bar.
27 - Nice one, John!
28 - Don't know who this is - perhaps that's for the better?
29 - A rather shy-looking John Perry accepts his well-earned cup.
30 - John Reiss, wearing his School Colours, takes a cup.
31 - A cup for Barry Watkins.
32 - A cup for R Davies.
33 - "We can't go on meeting like this" - John Reiss.
34 - Now the complete programme for the 1959 Sports Day.
It has been partly completed with the results, and the signatures at the top of page 5 appear to be those of
Tony Barber, Roger Dawe & Roger Taunton-Rigby.
Photos courtesy of Paul Handley.
Now for a rare treat: Dave Knapman has kindly submitted a short colour movie, showing parts of the 1959 Sports Day
at the Junior School, Wollaston House.
Clicking on the link below will pop-up a new small window, into which the movie will be downloaded and shown.
As the downloading may take a few minutes (depending on your Internet connection speed), you might care to continue
browsing the rest of these athletics photos.
The movie will start automatically once loaded, but can be paused, replayed etc. at any time thereafter.
Finally, some more recent additions:
35 - A Mile Race at the South Dorset Schools Athletic Championships in 1966.
Photo courtesy of Mike Ferguson.
36 - The 1968 School Under-16 Athletics Team.
Back row (l to r): AT Wardle, BM Richmond, ?, ?, Batchelor, M Lidgey, ?, ?, ?;
Front row: TN Salter, ?, JR Green, P Sharrock, Fancett, S Bainbridge, MJ Tewkesbury.
Photo courtesy of Andrew Wardle, who writes:
"The coveted blue and black vests were awarded to proud members of the school team.
As I remember, the diagonal stripes denoted Track (runners), and the horizontal stripes
were for Field (jumpers and throwers)."
37 - Sports Day, Summer 1969.
Photo courtesy of Derek Gallop, who writes:
"Losing a close one to Rob Taylor in the 100m with Bill Mouland following us home. Mr Jack Tipper (right) appears to more interested in a
field event. Did anyone else get their nose regularly tweaked by him in Physics lessons? And who is the man mountain half hidden by him?
Must be a discus thrower."
38 - Athletics Team circa 1975.
Photo courtesy of Andrew Hellard.