J.M. Keeping, Esq., F.C.A.
Lt. Col. D.H.C. Worrall, M.C.
The Mayor of Dorchester W.M. Trewhella, Esq. T.C.R. Pope, Esq.
L.D. Frisby, Esq. Mrs. G.G. Powell A.D.W. Biles, Esq.
Mrs. L M. Wakely Mrs. M.R. Debenham G.F. Rigger, Esq.
C.J. Pritchard, Esq. W.S. Best, Esq., J.P. Lady Warner
R. Fare, Esq., J.P. C.J. Parsons, Esq.
C.R. Allard, Esq. The Ven. E.J.G. Ward, M.V.O., M.A.
Major B.G. Kirby
W.M. Thomas, B.A. Head Master
A. Walden, B.Sc. Deputy Head Master
R.H. Davis, M.A. Deputy Head Master
P.H. Lewendon, M.A. N. Applegate N.L. Baker, Cert.Ed.
A.W.G. Best, B.Sc. D.M. Bowen, B.A. M.J.C. Bowman, A.T.D., N.D.D.
T.J.R. Griffiths Mrs. B.J.D. Bryant, B.A. Mrs. J Dalrymple, B.A.
R.J.S. Daniell, A.T.C., N.D.D. P.D. Green, B.A. J.B. Hawthorne, M.Sc., M.I.Biol.
A.T. King, B.A. D.C. Lacey, B.A. Diplôme (Rennes) B.E. Lawrence, B.Sc.
Mrs. S.E. Lister-Hetherington T.P. McLelland, B.Sc. B.D. Miller, M.A.
N.J. Lord, B.Ed., B.A. A.G.W. Paul, B.A. R.W.A. Pontin, A.R.C.M.,L.R.A.M., B.A.
R.C.B. Mole, M.A. W.D. Pyke, B.A.
J.R. Pope, C.Chem., M.R.I.C. J.R. Roberts, M.A. G. Ryall, B.A.
W.J. Richardson, B. Ed., M.A. M.N. Shaw, B.A. R.E. Sims, B.Sc., M.Sc., M.I.Biol.
B.A. Savage, B.Sc. D.F.R. Stokes, B.A., F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M.
D.W.B. Spriggs, B.Sc. R.G.F. Taylor, B.Sc., Ph.D.
D.A. Strong, B.A. J.J. Waterman, Cert P.E. J.B. Walker
W.A.P. Vekic, B.A. G. Schmale J Pedreno
D.R. Wheal, B.Ed.
D. Chapman M.J. Cox M. Crowhurst
P.S. Freeman M.T. Price A.P. Warne
A.J. Gough (Advertising) R.G.F. Taylor, Esq.
Photography: P.G. Comley
All who are in any way involved in the education of young people cannot fail to have noticed that some fundamental questions have been raised nationally about the education service. The debate about standards, attitudes and aims has been much in evidence in the deliberations of the School's Governing Body, no less than in the discussion programme conducted by the County Education Officer. It has, indeed, become increasingly clear that the values and ideals for which Hardye's School has stood for centuries are just what the nation requires, that as an individual each person should reach his highest potential at the same time giving to his neighbour maximum respect. These are, equally, the ideals of every good all-ability school and it is this degree of concern which the School intends to show in the years ahead.
It is inevitable that School Notes should record the progress of the new buildings. The new dining hall and kitchen were brought into use in September, although access remained difficult. The associated rooms for drama, science and engineering drawing are almost complete and should be available for use in the Spring Term 1978. The Autumn Term, therefore, has seen the School once more short of teaching space; the future, however, is bright, as the second phase of building begins to take shape. The seven areas for art/craft are due for completion in August 1978, as is the Sports Hall. Additional new buildings are planned to provide a link between the old buildings and the new. This link will supply our need for a group of rooms for English, History and Classics._On the completion of this project work will begin on the remodelling of the old building. It is a trbute to the Governors and to the Clerk, Major B. G. Kirby, that the building timetable remains fairly on schedule so ensuring that the reorganisation of the School will take place unhindered by major building works.
In contrast to the previous academic year, the past year produced only a small number of staff changes. Mr. D.H.B. Brown retired from teaching after nine years at the School and Mr. D. Caldicott left after six years service both in the School and Southfield House. Tributes to both these members of staff appear in later pages. Their places have been taken by Mr. T.J.R. Griffiths who comes to us from the Polytechnic of Wales and whose certificate in education includes both mathematics and outdoor pursuits. Mr. Griffiths is serving as resident tutor in Southfield House. Mr. Caldicott's place in the Englsh department has been taken by Mrs. J. Dalrymple, University College, Cardiff. Mrs. Dalrymple joins us from Whitchurch High School, Cardiff, but knows our area well having served for nine years in the English department at Weymouth Grammar School. Mr. Neil Applegate, Head of Religious Studies, has been appointed House Master of Southfield House and, with his wife Hilary and sons Richard and James, has quickly settled into his new life. To assist in the Religious Studies department Mrs. Lister-Hetherington has joined us from Weymouth Grammar Schoel. We are also very glad to welcome for the current academic year Madamoiselle Pedreno and Herr Schmale as our assistants. In addition, Mrs. Angel, the Canteen Supervisor, has a new deputy Mrs. Pollock. To all our new friends we offer a warm welcome, trusting that they will find in the service of the School much personal happiness.
Many of the School's departments have, during the past year, engaged in visits and foreign exchanges. For the Spring Term 1977 we welcomed Madame Riboulet who assumed Mr. David Lacey's timetable while he worked for the term at the Lycee Alain Chartier in Bayeux. At the same time we entertained at School four German students from Cuxhaven while members of the first year sixth studying Modern Languages went, some to Germany some to France. The usual shorter exchanges took place and new ground was broken by the first American Exchange, an enterprise planned with the 'Green' School.
This year, too, has seen the resumption of the School's Rugby connexion with our friends in Brive. The French boys enjoyed a completely successful tour in February, winning all three matches. The School lst XV goes to Brive in October, and is fortunate enough to be able to see the All Blacks play there during their stay. During this same October period forty four members of the fourth and fifth years will be joining the Dorset County Cruise to the Mediterranean area.
Amidst our many activities we were all saddened by the sudden death of Mr. John Stark, the School architect and father of Mark. With equal sadness we learned of the deaths of Martin Lisemore, Jack Mills, Jack Lewis and of Jack Bellinger.
Having been without a swimming pool in the glorious summer of 1976, we now have a pool but no sunshine. A cover, however, stands ready for 1978 to trap any heat which we may be fortunate enough to receive.
It was in 1968 that David Brown came to teach Maths in the Lower School. A responsible job in a key subject.
We soon found that we had not only a mathematician but also a keen rugger man who could take over the "Wollaston" Colts from John Hawthorne.
One of the problems of producing a team at this stage is that the boys have played so little that their intuitive reactions have not yet developed. The coach has to put in a vast amount of extra work and persuade the boys to do likewise if he is to get them up to standard. David put it all in and produced some very successful teams. The basis of his success lay in the forwards and he can be justly proud of some of the fine well trained packs he has turned out.
But this was not the whole story. He got the right spirit into the side and their behaviour, on and off the field, whether as hosts or guests, was a tribute to his good handling.
David's wife, Olive, played no small part in this. She never missed a match rain, hail, or rarely, shine. She and Kathleen Kenion were our hostesses at home matches and generally "oiled the wheels" of sociability.
David and Olive have now, it is rumoured, taken up "The Good Life". Some claim to have sighted him exercising a goat in the lanes of West Knighton. Anyone who thinks he has seen this sight should keep his fingers crossed. The goat is, in fact, a "Familiar Spirit" of great potency! The Good Life or not we wish them well.
David Caldicott arrived at Hardye's in 1971 to take over Southfield House from the Head Master and to teach English in the Lower School at Wollaston.
In the Lower School we soon found that we had a valuable member of the team. He was essentially a "little-ship" man and at his best in a small intimate group. The boys came first with him and he willingly gave all that he had. One had to be a little careful not to ask too much because he would run himself into the ground to help.
The Hardye Annual found an editor who maintained its tradition of healthy irreverence to nicety and nowhere was this better expressed than in his cover drawings. He drew contributions of quality from the boys, beguiled "Mums" into typing and organised the production line. An editor indeed!
There was a darker (blue) side. The Naval Section had in him a real moving spirit. I have always found it very difficult to find out what went on among the lochs and minesweepers. Naval security was very good - very silent! but someone did admit that "he was a good bloke - knew his stuff", which is high praise.
Southfield House discovered that David was a man of firm principles which he tempered with justice and humour. His principals were rooted in those unwritten intangible laws of what is DONE and what is NOT DONE as between man and man. He would not tolerate actions or behaviour which fell below standard. Any of his pupils who managed to absorb an inkling of all this - and it is in the spirit not in the letter of the law - have learned something of infinite value.
David and Hope, who backed him through thick and thin, have now returned to their Scottish pasture which they love so well. We wish them all happiness.