In schools today, Religion tends to go sadly neglected, possibly for two reasons. The first and probably the most obvious reason is that the present generation is simply too lethargic to bother itself about God. People do not allow themselves enough time to think of, let alone believe in, any form of God. This might be the most blatant reason, but is not necessarily the most important.

The lack of interest in religion may be due to the fact that the "clothing" or outward appearance of religion is outmoded.

This is the idea which seems to exist in the school. Although people still basically believe in God, they are confused and dissatisfied with all the unnecessary trimmings associated with worship in its present form.

Opinion in a school should provide a fairly reliable "random selection" of views in the general community, since the school contains pupils from diverse backgrounds. Each pupil's outlook is influenced by that of his parents, allowing one to obtain a fair cross section of opinion. Thus, the following views are probably those generally held.

The methods of projecting Religion, God and Christianity, must have their expression in the idiom of the day. Essentially the Church's teaching is correct, as it always was and must always continue to be. The term "Church" is used in a general sense, without reference to any particular denomination. Clearly the Church must adapt itself; but adaptation does not entail structural change. That which is basically true is inimitable.

It is commendable that at last, different Christian denominations are waking up to these facts. For example, the Church of England has experimented with the use of modern music in its services. Some are in agreemant with this. Others dislike the idea, feeling that it is merely a 'gimmick' to attract people. They feel that people are drawn not by God, but just by the "pop" music. Nevertheless, this example does show that the problem has been discovered, and that attention is being paid to its solution.

Especially striking in its programme of internal "policy reform" is the Roman Catholic Church Archaic traditions, such as the use of Latin in services, are gradually being ousted, (much to the displeasure of the hierachy of the old order) to make way for "innovations" such as the use of the vernacular. These examples illustrate the movement towards modernisation. Countless others could be cited.

Might it not thus be feasable to hope that soon, with the superficialities removed from Church affairs, the old, essential, undeniable beliefs common to all denominations will be rediscovered and thus facilitate Church Unity, or at least, mutual understanding? This in turn should lead to a re-awakening of personal interest in religion not only in the school, but throughout the world.


R.J. HALLETT - Oxford University-B.A.(Hons.) Physiology.
D.F. HOWE - Birmingham University-B.Sc.(Hons.) Physics.
A.S. LISNEY - Birmingham College of Arts and Crafts-Diploma-School of Architecture.
A. McCULLOCH - Manchester University-B.Sc.(Hons.) Chemistry.
I. MCKISSACK - Bristol University-B.Sc.(Hons.) Classics.
C.D. MOORE - London University-B.A.(Hons.) Classics.
M.J. NORTHOVER - Southampton University-B.Sc.(Hons.) Chemistry.
M.T. PAYNE - Southampton University-B.Sc.(Hons.) Economics.
I.H. TAYLOR - Southampton University-B.Sc. Physics and Maths.
D.M.J. TURNER - Bristol University-B.Sc. (Hons.) Chemistry.
P.B. WATKINS - Reading University-B.A. (Hons.) Fine Art.
T.R. WORTHINGTON - Reading University- B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture.
R.A. WYATT - Cambridge University- B.A. (Hons.) History.


P.J. BARRETT - Welbeck College.
H. GRENVILLE-JONES - Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst.
A.C. KENWAY - Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst.
D. RYDER - Britannia Royal Naval CoJlege, Dartmouth.


Major Awards


Somerset:- C.J. SHARPE.

Bursary Awards

Dorset:- M.J. DERRICK (Nautical), D. HURWORTH (Agricultural).


The Commemoration service was conducted at St. George's Church by the vicar, Canon E. B. Brooks.

The development of character at school was the subject of a fine sermon by the Right Revd. Victor J. Pike, C.B., C.B.E., D.D., Lord Bishop of Sherborne.

We trooped down to the Plaza Cinema in the afternoon as usual for the prize-giving. In his report the Headmaster drew attention to the G.C.E. results, and left his audience to assess their quality - he was not willing to pass judgement. Mr. Hamilton referred to the complex organisation of the G.C.E. examinations for more than half the school last summer. This large number of candidates explains the Headmaster's reluctance to hold the examination at Christmas.

He then gave a very relevant and stimulating speech defending the generation now growing up and leaving school. He was frequently greatly impressed to find so many boys who showed a genuine knowledge and interest in drama, art, literature, and music, and was 'not infrequently much humbled to discover the passionate depth of feeling that this generation showed about things that matter - the Bomb, race predjudice, fundamental political issues, religion, philosophy and ethics.' He found it also true that young people approached such matters with an astonishing maturity.

The Headmaster asked whether he and his audience had the right to look for courage, endurance, fortitude, humanity and love if they 'feebly acquiesced in displaying so degenerate a rational morality, geared to self-indulgence to a degree unheard of since the fall of Babylon and the Roman Empire.' It was hardly surprising that at times the younger generation appeared bewildered and uncertain. The older generation should consider the example set, the encouragement given, and what was encouraged.

He said that the empty appeal of material prosperity which had for so long dominated the social and political creeds of the nation fell increasingly flat on the new generation, which was fast learning to distinguish between the things that mattered and those which were not important.

In conclusion he asserted that young people should not be blamed if they 'showed cynicism and disillusion, if they questioned the tenets of faith upon which this society had been raised, for they learned to penetrate the garish, tawdry crust of hypocritical respectability which all too truly covered the nakedness of a tottering civilisation.'

The Rt. Revd. V. J. Pike, Bishop of Sherborne, distributed the prizes. He gave a short address on courage as the supreme quality of life, and quoted Cervantes who wrote, 'He that has lost money has lost much, he that has lost love has lost more, but he that has lost courage has lost all.' He considered that this was terribly true.

To the consternation of all the boys from Form Two to the Upper Sixth, the Bishop announced that he would not ask for a half-holiday. All were more than placated when he asked the Headmaster for a whole holiday for the school.

The Head Boy, M.J. Bates, proposed the vote of thanks.



Under the influential guidance of Major Lacey, Hardye's School Combined Cadet Force completed one of its best years. Throughout, the Contingent has shown precision, efficiency and smartness at a high standard. Besides the enthusiastic work of the contingent officers, the tireless efforts of Under-Officer Warnock and Regimental-Sergeant-Major Johnson must be acknowledged.

Of the various events in the contingent's programme, the Annual General inspection was the most outstanding and indeed, it has been said, even by those not concerned with the C.C.F., that it was the best ever.

The inspection itself took place on a brilliant day and before an encouraging number of guests, but the thoughtful gesture of Major-General Fanshaw, the inspecting officer, of allowing the waiting cadets to sit down while the inspection took place, was greeted with mixed feelings inasmuch as it did "knock a bit of spine" off the parade. The C.C.F. training after the parade was a great success. Demonstrations of every variety took place and credit must be given to the cadets and instructing-cadets in all three Service Sections.

The field-days were as usual much appreciated by all, especially by the newest cadets. This large contingent progresses. Now one can only hope that it will enter its new year with the idea of even more improvement. Indeed, the present officer strength is sufficient to enable an expansion of the contingent's activities to take place, so everything seems set for a splendid year!



Once again the Naval Section had a most successful year under the capable leadership of Lieut. S.C. Brickell and Sub-Lieut. P. Lanfear, who pulled more than their fair share of weight in calm and storm.

The year opened with the usual influx of O/D's - bringing the section to a total strength of 50 - the largest it has ever been.

The first Field Day of the year was spent in a Beach Landing Exercise at Portland. While some of the Army section defended, the Navy stormed Portland from a Motor Fishing Vessel, landing in a "3 in 1" motor­cutter. The clay was enjoyed by all except, perhaps, those who had jumped into the sea!

A new departure in the section at the end of term was the Inter-watch competition for the Loch Ewe Cup, kindly presented by some members who had been to the Lech Ewe Boom Defence Station for Annual Training. The cup was won by the 2nd Part of Port Watch under the leadership of L/S Brown, P/O Luther being away on the Varsity Match trip. The competition took the form of a Whaler Rigging contest.

When the snow eventually cleared, our Easter Term Field Day was spent at H.M.S. Heron, Royal Naval Air Station, Yeovilton. A very interesting day was passed in and around the hangars. We even managed a flight in a Sea-Prince!

The Loch Ewe competition took the form of a Land Navigation Exercise around Dorchester, the cup being retained by the 2nd Part of Port Watch under the leadership of P/O Perks.

The Easter holidays came and with them the prospects of Naval Camps. About 20 junior members went to H.M.S. Collingwood for a week's training with the electrical artificers of the Navy.

The summer term took the usual form of rehearsals for the A.G.I. in which the section gave a good account of itself, as always. The Loch Ewe Cup competition, due to have been a Whaler Pulling Regatta, had to be cancelled because of inclement weather.

On Field Day the section was divided into two parts. One part spent a day on the Frigate Undaunted and the other spent the morning learning to use a Tactical Training Unit at H.M.S. Osprey, and in the afternoon experienced being transferred from the Fleet Auxiliary Black Ranger to a frigate on a Jackstay, with the ships steaming at about 12 knots.

On Annual Training, during the holidays, members went to the Loch Ewe Boom Defence Station. Others spent a week aboard the Frigate Urchin of B.R.N.C. Dartmouth Squadron and visited Morgat in Brittany.

At the end of the summer term we said goodbye to Sub-Lieut. Lanfear who has taken up a post at the Duke of York's Royal Military School.

I would also like to take this opportunity to say that we are all very sorry to hear that Lieut. Brickell leaves us at the end of the winter term and would like to thank him for the work and enthusiasm which he has put into the section to build it up to its present high standard. We wish him all the best for the future.



This was a full and successful year for the Army Section: two camps, two field days, and the Annual General Inspection were held. Many individuals attended various courses held by the Army, and many successes were recorded.

There were very few failures in the Army Proficiency Examination and the Basic Test, but the Signallers, by an unfortunate mishap, came adrift.

The officer strength of the Army Section has been improved; and so has the equipment. The R.A. Section have procured a '25 pounder', and, looking around that Section's 'hut', I have seen much other equipment looking conspicuously new. The Motor Transport Section has all sorts of ancient engines (as well as a dilapidated motor-bike), but I cannot see why C.S.M. Hales will not allow his cadets to take his own 'old car' to pieces.

Thus an interesting year passed, and this year has already seen some innovations in the Army Section. In particular we discern the advent of the new 'drill' with the rifle. It is the 'self-loading rifle' drill and it replaces the aging and cumbersome drill with the .303 rifle. Perhaps a criticism may be made, in that, although the drill has changed, the rifle has not. However keen we are, we are only a Cadet Force, and, as is sometimes the case with our equipment, we shall probably receive the S.L.R. only when it is out-of-date itself.

It seems very likely that the Army Section will become smaller in the following year: '4th formers' will not have to take part in the C.C.F. This will be done so that a cadet may have a fuller, but nevertheless shorter, participation in the C.C.F.

To conclude, I cannot help but 'advertise' the opportunities given in all three Service Sections. Besides receiving his 'Tuesday afternoon' lessons and demonstrations, a cadet can attend the C.C.F.'s own camp courses and events, and he is eligible for most of the many and varied courses given by the Army. So, with enthusiasm abundant, the Army Section enters another year with good prospects.



The section enjoyed a year full of activity in various spheres, with people going off on Star Camps, Overnight Field Days, Easter Camp and Flying Scholarships.

An overnight stay at R.A.F. Hullavington proved to be most entertaining, the cinema showing a film which had most of us twisting around the billet all night!

Easter camp at R.A.F. Thorney Island was also enjoyed by most people, although the vision that springs most vividly to mind is a cadet in the rear end of a Beverly with his head buried in a brown paper-bag!

One day consisted of a visit to the near by Folland Aircraft Factory at Hamble, a fascinating if somewhat bewildering place, full of machines which seemed to do anything you wanted, within reason!

Two cadets won Flying Scholarships, Cpl. Bolton taking his at Hurn and Cpl. Dalziel at Kidlington. F/S Geary took over from M. Witt as W/O during the Summer, in time to lead the section on the A.G.I., which was as smart as ever.

Exeter provided us with the usual excellent flying facilities, although a good book is necessary for the time not spent flying.

Thanks are due to F/Lt. Paul for his excellent organisation which helped towards a very successful year.



The house has had a very successful year, as usual, with Bates, Kann and Branton playing for the 1st XV and XI hockey. Lewis and Chambers also played for the 1st XI hockey and Kann for the 1st XI cricket. Bates and Branton represented the school in Athletics, and Dalziel in athletics and cross-country. Heathcote was represented in the intermediate teams by Dobson and Fall. We provided the Head of School (Bates), two prefects and a sub-prefect. The Dramatic Society was suported by Bates, Kann, Hapgood and Dalziel, while many Heathcote people worked backstage.

In the C.C.F., Under Officer Warnock and Regimental Quartermaster Stoneham were both from Heathcote. At Wollaston the Head Boy was from Heathcote as were many of the various teams.

Mr. Sochon, the House Tutor, has made his presence felt over the last year, and I take this opportunity of thanking him on behalf of the House.

Mr. Roberts left us at the end of last summer after about 13 years in charge, and it is hard to say anything original after the various speeches delivered at a most successful and entertaining farewell dinner. All I can say is that Mr. and Mrs. Roberts had become part of the scene at Heathcote, and helped many boys through the more important years of their lives. This prompts me to say that Mr. and Mrs. Bax, who have taken over the immense task of running a house of 35 boys, have also been most understanding, and have (we hope) settled down during their first term amongst us.

Going on to scholastic achievements, Stoneham gained an entry to Sandhurst and the Upper Fifths did very well with their "O" levels.

Altogether a most enjoyable year, and I hope that the year to come will be every bit as successful.



At the beginning of the year we welcomed Mr. Lash in the place of Mr. Heal, to whom we wish the best of married life. R. Tugwell assumed the position of Head of the House.

As usual the House provided a fair number of members for school teams, although it must be admitted that the number was a little below the customary level. However, a large contingent was supplied to the Dramatic Society, both on and off stage, for the annual School play.

At the end of the Christmas Term the now customary dinner was attended by Sir David and Lady Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, and Mr. Tompsett. This was followed by a Treves pantomime on the Main School stage.

At the end of the Easter term, the brothers Walters left us, one to return to Malta, and one to join his brother at school in Devon.

During the few fine weekends of the Summer term, several camping expeditions were organised to various localities. At the beginning of the Summer term we welcomed a new Matron, Mrs. Carter, and we wish her a pleasant stay with us.

At the end of the School year, our leavers' Dinner was attended by Mr. and Mrs. Bailward, Monsieur Vincent, and of course Mr. Tompsett. We said goodbye to Mr. Lanfear, our Assistant House Tutor for the previous year, who left us to take an appointment in Dover. R. Tugwell left to go up to Sandhurst, and A. Ballard hopes to take up a place at Cambridge University.

All those who have, during the past year, enjoyed the many films presented to us will no doubt agree that our thanks are due to A. Firshman for all his labours in this, his exclusive realm.

One or two notable occasions excepted, this has been a quiet year in the House, but, with most of last year's seniors remaining, we look forward to a year of prominence in School activities.



During the school year the House enjoyed successes in all spheres. Academically, the House fared well, with the standard of work rising as the year progressed. This applied particularly to the 'O' level candidates, whose consistent work was rewarded by good results.

On the sports field the House was well represented at all levels. No less than half the House represented the school in all sports.

Activities in the Winter Term culminated at the Christmas party when the traditional 'breaking in' ceremonies were carried out. An excellent array of 'eats' was provided by 'Monsieur le chef' and Mrs. Lewendon. The celebrations were concluded with some boisterous carol-singing.

During the Winter and Spring Terms the House was lucky enough to have dancing classes, and everyone looked forward to Friday evenings with relish. Thanks are due to both Mr. and Mrs. Lewendon for their help.

The House outing took the form of a visit to the Beaulieu Motor Museum in the early part of the afternoon, and then to the beach at Barton for a picnic tea. Despite the unkind weather, a good time was had by all.

An innovation to 'Treves life' was the Christmas Pantomime. The script was written by Messrs Lash and Sochan with musical accompaniment by Mr. H. Easton. The 'panto' was written, produced, and performed within one week - a feat unequalled in the school. Pinnell, Guy and Das Gupta had the doubtful privilege of appearing in it.

This year the House said 'farewell ' to L.S.G. Hulme, who has taken up residence at Dartmouth Royal Naval College; also S.G. Dolby, who is working on an Australian cattle ranch, and H.W. Morley, now beginning a career in printing. We wish them all every success.

The House can look back on a fairly succesful year and we look forward to the prospect of an even more successful one this year.



We welcome to the School: J.P. Adams, J.A. Ashton, S. Bailey, M.D. Beare, A.J.R. Berry, R.I. Bond, I. Borthwick, P.J.Boyd, R.N.G.Braham, R.A. Bryant, M.L. Burnett, A.R. Carman, A.I. Chew, C.T. Clarke, G.P. Collier, A.C. Cooke, S.J. Crooke, N.L. Cross, T.D. Cummins, J. Darch, D. Dean, C. Deaves, K. Dickinson, J.D. Dike, A.P. Evans, R.A. Evans, P.W.J. Flux, M.F. Fraser, M.C. Hammick, S.R.E. Harries, K. Hewitt, S. Hickey, D.E. Higgins, P.G. Higgins, M.J. Hitchcock, D.R. Hoyle, A.S. Hubber, D. Huckle, M.C. Hyde, L.W. Ingenhaag, P. Ivamy, V.S. James, A.C.W. Jesty, D.M. Jesty, D.C. Jones, H.S. Kardas, J.J. Kennedy, P.D. Kentish, C.G.J. Kinchin, A.D. King, S.G. Kinkead, A.J. Lakeman, G. Lockyer, D.J. Mansfield, R.J. Matthews, R.L. Menzies, S.A. Meyers, W.C. Morley­Scott, C.W. Mouland, G. Papworth, B. Peters, M.T. Peters, J.J. Ramsbottom, P.H. Reid, A.P. Rose, D.P. Sheery, N. Shyer, A.C. Sims, S.J. Smith, S.K. Smith, G.H. Snell, P.K. Southern, C.C. Staffell, R.G. Stringer, P.J. Taylor, R.P.M. Taylor, C.E. Turner, C.L Weir, R.P. White, A.T. Whittle, S.A. Winch, M. Young.


C.R. AGAR, 1961. Hodges. M. and S. II; 'A' Level, 1963; Entry to Manchester College of Technology.
R.D. AMES, 1956. Hodges. Mod. II; School Prefect; Staff Sgt. C.C.F; Literary (Secretary) and Hardy Societies. 'A' Level, 1963. Entry to Bristol Art College.
J.A. BALLARD, 1956. Treves. Mod. II; Literary (Chairman). Dramatic and Hardye Societies; Librarian ; Cross Country (1/2 colours); 'A' Level, 1963.
E.V. BATSTONE, 1956. Pope. Mod. II; School Prefect; Hardye (Chairman) and Classical Societies; Silver Tie Award. 'A' Level, 1963. Entry to Fitzwilliam House, Cambridge.
H.G. BOBBETT, 1955. Pope. Mod. III; Literary and Classical Societies; 'A' Level, 1962. Entry to Exeter University.
C.C.I.BOLTON, 1957. Treves. M. and S. I; Cpl. R.A.F., C.C.F.; Fencing; 'O' Level, 1962.
M.P. CHARLES, 1956. Lock. M. and S. II; Sgt. C.C.F.; 2nd XV Rugby; Athletics (colours) 'O' Level, 1961.
K.E. COE, 1956. Hodges. Mod. 11; Librarian; Hardye Society; 'A' Level, 1963.
R.C. COLLINS, 1955. Lock. M. and S. III; School Prefect; C.S.M., C.C.F.; 2nd XV Rugby; 'A' Level, 1963.
D.H. COY, 1962. Lock. M. and S. II; 'A' Level, 1963. Entry to Manchester College of Technology.
A.J. DAVIES, 1962. Pope. M. and S. I; 'O' Level, 1963.
L.A. DEAR, 1957. Lock. Mod I; 'O' Level, 1962.
J.R.M. DELACOUR, 1960. Lock. Mod. III; Literary Society; Librarian; Silver Tie Award; 'A' Level, 1962. Entry to Trinity College, Cambridge.
S.G. DOLBY, 1959. Treves. Mod.I; 'O' Level, 1962.
E.R. DOREY, 1957. Pope. M. and S. J; School Sub­Prefect; 2nd XV Rugby; 1st XI Hockey (1/2 colours); 1st XI Cricket (1/2 colours); Silver Tie Award; 'O' Level, 1962.
G.R. EDWARDS, 1957. Pope. Mod. I; Cpl. C.C.F.; Fencing; 'O' Level, 1962.
J.A. FARWELL, 1955. Lock. M. and S. III; Senior Prefect; 2nd XV Rugby (Captain); 1st XI Hockey; Head of Lock House; 'A' Level, 1963.
M.G. GEARY, 1958. Lock. M. and S. II; School Prefect; W.O., R.A.F., C.C.F.; 1st XV Rugby; Hardye Society; 'A' Level, 1963. Entry to Cranwell.
H.T. GRAHAM, 1957. Lock. Mod. I; 'O' Level, 1962.
A. HAMBLETON, 1962. Hodges. M. and S. II; Cross Country (colours); Athletics (1/2 colours).
J. HAMBLETON, 1962. Hodges. M. and S. II.
J. HARGREAVES, 1956 Hodges. M. and S. II; Sgt. C.C.F.; Hardye Society; 'A' Level, 1963. Entry to Guys Hospital.
J. HOLLAWAY, 1961. Pope. Mod. II; Librarian; Literary Society; 'A' Level, 1963.
M.J. HORTON, 1955. Pope. M. and S. III; School Prefect; 3rd XV Rugby (Captain); Hardye Society 'A' Level, 1963. Entry to London University.
L.S.G. HULME, 1960. Treves. M. and S. II; P.O., R.N., C.C.F.; 'A' Level, 1963.
A.M. JOHNSON, 1958. Pope. Mod. II; School Prefect; R.S.M., C.C.F.; Head of Pope House; Fencing Captain (colours); Hardye Society (Secretary); 'A' Level, 1963. Entry to Sandhurst.
B.W. KEEN, 1956. Lock. Mod. II; Senior Prefect; 1st XV Rugby (Captain) (colours); 1st XI Hockey (colours); 2nd XI Cricket(Captain); Athletics (colours); P.O., R.N., C.C.F.; Hardye Society; 'A' Level, 1963.
R.H. KNIGHT, 1957. Hodges. M. and S. I; 1st XV Rugby (colours); 1st XI Hockey; 'O' Level, 1962.
A.N.LIGHT, 1957. Hodges. M.and S. I; 2nd XV Rugby; 'O' Level, 1962.
M.S. LUTHER, 1955. Lock. Mod. II; School Prefect; Athletics (colours); 1st XV Rugby; P.O., R.N., C.C.F.; 'O' Level, 1961.
J.R. MANSFIELD, 1961. Hodges. M. and S. II; Cross­Country (1/2 colours, Secretary); 'A' Level, 1963. Entry to Reading University.
D.J. MIDDLE, 1957. Pope. M. and S. I; 1st XV Rugby (colours); 'O' Level, 1962.
H.W. MORLEY, 1961. Treves. M. and S. I; 'O' Level, 1962.
S.W. PALMER, 1956. Hodges. M. and S. II; Sgt. C.C.F.; Hardye Society; 'O' Level, 1961.
R.C. PORTER, 1956. Hodges. M.and S. II; Sgt. C.C.F.; Librarian; 'A' Level, 1963. Entry to Sussex University.
T.M. PULLEN, 1956. Treves. Mod. II; Head of South Walks; 3rd XV Rugby; 1st XI Cricket; 'O' Level, 1961.
I.S. PURSEGLOVE, 1955. Hodges. Mod. III; School Prefect; Head of Hodges House; Silver Tie Award; 'A' Level, 1963.
J.R. ACKROYDE, 1958. Pope. UVB; 'O' Level, 1963.
B.A.J. ALLINGTON, 1958. Lock. UVC; 3rd xv Rugby; 'O' Level, 1963.
G.J. BRANTON, 1958. Treves. UVB; 2nd XV Rugby; 1st XI Hockey; Athletics; 'O' Level, 1963.
A.R. BRIARS, 1958. Lock. UVC; 'O' Level, 1963
D.E.P. BRISTOW, 1958. Hodges. UVC; 'O' Level, 1963.
A.C. CHADWICK, 1961. Treves. UVC; 'O' Level, 1963.
C.J. FOOT, 1958. Lock. UVC; 'O' Level, 1963.
M.J. GASSTON, 1958. Treves. UVC; 'O' Level, 1963.
B.B. GODDEN, 1963. Hodges. UVB; 'O' Level, 1963.
G.F. GOLDSACK, 1958. Pope. UVC; 'O' Level, 1963.
H.L. GREGORY, 1960. Pope. IVC.
J.M. HANNA, 1958. Lock. UVC; Athletics; 'O' Level, 1963.
I.D. HAMILTON-SCHASCHKE, 1958. Pope. UVC; 'O' Level, 1963.
R.J. HINDLEY, 1957. Pope . UVC; Athletics; 'O' Level, 1963.
M.H. HORSINGTON, 1958. Hodges. UVB; 'O' Level, 1963. S.A. HUME, 1960. Treves.LVC.
N.L. LE PAGE, 1959. Lock. LVA; '0' Level, 1963.
A. JEFFRIES, 1960. Pope. IVC.
J.H. JEWER, 1959. Hodges. LVC.
M.P. LOOSEMORE, 1958. Hodges. UVC; 'O' Level, 1963.
P.G. MACLEAN, 1961. Treves. IIIA.
R.J. MELLOR, 1961. Hodges. IIIA
R.N.J.P. O'CALLAGHAN, 1958. Treves. UVC; 'O' Level, 1963.
A.J. PARKES, 1958. Lock. UVC; 'O' Level, 1963.
G.H. W. RIGGS, 1958. Pope. U VC; 'O' Level, 1963.
D.J. SEWARD. Hodges. UVC; 'O' Level, 1963.
N.P. SHARPE, 1961. Ho A.W. ROSE, 1955. Lock. Mod. III; Senior Prefect; Literary and Dramatic Societies; 'A' Level, 1962. Entry to Trinity College, Cambridge.
D.J. RUSHEN , 1956. Lock. M. and S. II; School Prefect; Sgt. C.C.F.; lst XI Cricket (secretary, colours); Fencing (secretary); 'O' Level, 1961.
D.A. SANSON, 1959. Hodges. M. and S. II; School Prefect; P.O., R.N., C.C.F.; Sub-Editor of 'Durnovarian'; Hardye Society; 'A' Level, 1963. Entry to London University.
P.S. SANSOM, 1959. Hodges. Mod II; School Prefect; Editor of 'Durnovarian'; Literary Society (Chairman); 'A'Level, 1962. Entry to St. Catherine's College, Oxford.
A.M. SAPSWORTH, 1957. Lock. Mod. I; Athletics; 'O' Level, 1962.
C.J. STAPLE, 1956. Pope. M. and S. II; Cpl. R.A.F., C.C.F.; 'O' Level, 1961.
T.K. STONE, 1955. Hodges. M. and S. III; C.S.M., C.C.F.; 'A' Level, 1963.
F.T. STONEHAM, 1956. Treves. M. and S. II; School Prefect; R.Q.M.S., C.C.F.; Dramatic Society; 'A' Level, 1963. Entry to Sandhurst.
K.S. SULLIVAN, 1956. Hodges. M. and S. II; Sgt. C.C.F.; 'O' Level, 1961.
D.M. TIDBALL, 1956. Lock. Mod. II; School Prefect; Sgt. C.C.F.; Hardye Society (Secretary); 'A' Level, 1963.
D.M. TUCKER, 1956. Pope. M. and S. II; Sgt. R.A.F., C.C.F.; 'A' Level. 1963. Entry to Bristol University.
R. TUGWELL, 1956. Treves. M. and S. II; School Prefect; Staff Sgt. C.C.F.; Head of Southfield; 2nd XV Rugby; 2nd XI Hockey; 2nd XI Cricket; Hardye and Dramatic Societies; 'O' Level, 1961. Entry to Sandhurst.
A.R. WALTERS, 1957. Treves. Mod. I; 3rd XV Rugby; 'O' Level, 1962.
K.J. WARNOCK, 1960. Treves. M. and S. II; School Prefect; U.O., C.C.F.; Head of Heathcote; 3rd XV Rugby; Hardye Society; 'A' Level, 1963.
G.H. WHITE, 1955. Pope. M. and S. III; Sgt. R.A.F., C.C.F.; 'A' Level, 1963.
T.W. WHITTLE, 1956. Lock. M. and S. II; Sgt. C.C.F.; 'A' Level, 1963.
N.J. WILLIAMS, 1957. Hodges. Mod. I; 1st XV Rugby (1/2 colours); L.Cpl. C.C.F.; 'O' Level, 1962.
M.D. WITT, 1956. Treves M. and S. II; School Prefect; W.O., R.A.F., C.C.F.; Shooting (Captain), 'O' Level, 1961.
B.D. SMITH, 1958. Pope. UVC; 2nd XI Cricket; 'O' Level, 1953.
C.L. SMTTH, 1958. Pope. UVB; 'O' Level, 1963.
C.L. SQUIBB, 1958. Hodges. UVB; 'O' Level, 1963.
M.A. TAYLER, 1960. Lock. IVB.
N. TAYLOR, 1961. Hodges. IIIC.


The Association has now been in existence for four years. During this period we have organised a reasonably interesting and lively programme of events ranging through a variety of subjects from an Education Brains Trust to Mystery Tours, dances and barbecues. Most members who have taken part seem to have enjoyed themselves.

The object of the Association, in common with most of its kind, is to help the School and Parents, and this we think we can fairly claim to be doing. During these four years we have donated £150 to the Building Fund and have provided money for the purchase of the following equipment:
Gramophone Records Library - £40
Half cost Tape Recorder and long playing tapes - £54
Chess sets - £8
Deck Chairs - £12
Spotlamps for Drama Club - £20
Sailing Section - £9
Pictures - £8
Illuminating map for Geography room - £4
Speech recordings for English dept. - £10

We have also promised to provide the following:
Books for Natural History Library - £5
Half cost Scrummage Machine - £22
Illustrated pictures of French dept. - £10
Half cost hockey nets - £12
Books for Handicraft room-Lower School - £5
Books for Main Library - £5
and we have even provided an all-weather cricket wicket for the Lower School at a cost of £54. Both the Juniors and Seniors have benefited in proportion to the number in each part of this School. All the funds for these items have accrued from the proceeds of the various events previously referred to, and have provided facilities which the boys would not otherwise have received.

We need a stronger membership to enable the good work to go ahead. We therefore appeal to all parents to join the Association and so contribute to all the varied aspects of School life. All information can be obtained by sending a postcard to either of the undersigned.

Haydn Morgan, Hon Secretary
"Liansi", Treves Road, Dorchester.
Alan C. Dewey, Chairman,
141 Bridport Road, Dorchester.


I welcome this opportunity of writing in the School Magazine and, on behalf of the Club, would like to thank the Headmaster and those responsible for the Magazine for making this possible.

The Magazine will be read mainly by the boys now at School and to them I would say that I hope that they will find this news of the Club and of some Old Hardyeans of interest.

One of the main objects of this club is to maintain contact between Old Boys and with the School and to further the interest of the School.

I was a Founder Member of the Club in 1924, and since then there have been many changes. The Club has grown in strength and influence and it is my sincere wish that in the years ahead it will continue to flourish. This it will most certainly do if boys on leaving School make a point of joining the Club and taking part in its activities.

C.J. PARSONS, President.

Since the last School Magazine went to press, the Old Hardyeans have played the School at Rugger (in December, 1962) and at Hockey (in March, 1963).

The Annual General Meeting was held in the Antelope Hotel, Dorchester on 6th April. Mr. R. Fare, the retiring President, was thanked for his work on behalf of the Club during his 3 years in office and Mr. C.J. Parsons was elected President in his place. Appreciation was also expressed of the work done by E.G.B. Moore who resigned from the Secretaryship and a welcome was extended to his successor, R. Pickersgill.

The Annual Dinner was also held in the "Antelope". This was a departure from recent years in which the Dinner has been in the Corn Exchange or at the School. Although there is a limit on numbers at the hotel, the attendance of some 85 members and guests was comfortably contained and those present had a most enjoyable evening.

The principal speaker, G.H.C. Tilling (1932-1942), who holds a high administrative post in the G.P.O., gave a characteristically brilliant speech, enlivened with delightful flashes of wit. Other speakers included His Worship the Mayor of Yeovil, (Alderman C.E. Hawes, 1910-1914). D. Foot, (1927-1933), the well known Dorset sheep breeder, J. Thornicroft (1930-1934), of Thos. Ensor & Son, the Auctioneers, of Dorchester, and our outgoing President, Mr. R. Fare.

A Wine and Cheese Party held in the School Library on 30th May, was attended by some 140 people and was a great success.

The Annual Cricket Match between the School and the Club took place in July at the School. After their success of the previous year, the Old Boys, full of confidence, were completely shattered by a powerful School team ably lead by their Captain, Bryan House.

In the evening, the Annual Dance was held al the School. The Gymnasium was artistically decorated by the Prefects, and the Ladies' Committee worked hard to produce their usual attractive buffet, but the attendance was rather disappointing. The only consolation was that for those present there was ample room for self expression in dancing and more than enough to eat.

A Car Rally organised by Bernard Watts (1940-1946) and E.G.B. Moore, was held in September. Some 50 cars took part and after an extensive tour of the countryside during which more than one car got itself lost, finished up with a very pleasant evening at the Strangway Arms, Evershot.

The School's Annual Service of Remembrance was held on 11th November at the Memorial Gales. This simple but impressive service, conducted by the Headmaster, was attended by a small group of Old Boys and a wreath was laid by the Club's President. Many Old Boys may not know that this Service is always held on 11th November except when this date falls on a Sunday, when the Service is held on the preceding Saturday.


12th December, 1963 - Rugger Match v. School
31st December, 1963 - Old Hardyeans' New Year's Eve Dinner Dance at the Maenbury Theatre Restaurant
21st March, 1964 - Hockey Match v. School, A.G.M. and Dinner
22 March, 1964 - Annual Service at All Saints' Church, Dorchester. 11a.m.
18th July, 1964 - Cricket Match v. School.
11th November, 1964 - Remembrance Service at School.


Alexander, C.P. (1933-42) M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., (1948), London M.B., B.S., (1948) M.R.C.P., (1953), 261 Upperthorpe, Sheffield, 6. Married to Dr. L.M.A. Munro, 1955, has 3 children and is now senior Medical Registrar of the United Sheffield Hospitals.

Bennett, W.H C. Manager of the United Society for Christian Literature, P.O. Box 274, Kitwe, Northern Rhodesia.

Brown, N. (1921) C.A., F.C.I.S., Incorporated Accountant before the War, served in R.N.V.R. 1939-46, being discharged as Lieut.-Cdr. (S). At present Secretary and Treasurer of Burrand Dry Dock Co. Ltd., P.O. Box 99., North Vancouver, British Columbia.

Davies, R. (1953-61) Flight Cadet at R.A.F. College, Cranwell.

Fisher, J. (1934-42) 21 Allenby Road, Maidenhead, Berks. Senior Assistant Engineer (Planning and Development) S.E.B., Maidenhead.

Forrester, B. Married 1961. Now an Assistant Master, teaching in York.

Hounsell, D. Present address: c/o Rhodesia Television, P.O. Box 1100, Northern Rhodesia.

Jones, J.N.A. is Production Manager, Footwear Department, Dunlops.

Lean-Vercoe, R. (1956-59) At Royal Military Acadamy, Sandhurst, where he has recently had the honour of being made Senior Under Officer.

Le Quesne J. E. Recently completed 2 years at Sandhurst and now commissioned in the R.E.M.E. Now in Kenya before going to Shrivenham to sit for a B. Sc. in September, 1964.

Male, P.G. With the Decca Navigator Co. Ltd., c/o Abu Dhabi Marine Areas, Ltd., Das Island, via Bahrain, Arabian Gulf.

Morgan, T. Assistant Chemistry Master, Kingston-on-Thames G.S.

Northover, M. In 1963 on research ship to the Antarctic.

Pegler, G.D. (1920-26) Lieut.-Colonel, M. Sc., M.I.E.E., M.I. PROD E., A. INST. P., R.E.M.E., Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham, Near Swindon, Wilts.

Robinson, M.(1926-33) In business in Marckham, Ontario. This year he brought a business trip forward so that he could attend the Annual Dinner.

Skinner, B.G. (1955) Lieutenant R.N. After 2 years at Dartmouth was commissioned in 1957. After service in aircraft carriers, a cruiser, frigate and two minesweepers, volunteered for flying duties and was awarded wings in February, 1962. Since last December has been with 845 Squadron in carrier Albion in Far East. Took part in Brunei operations and is currently engaged in anti-terrorist operations in Sarawak. Permanent home address is 20, Meyrick Park Crescent, Bournemouth.

Stanton, K. Is Assistant Master at King's School, Canterbury Junior School. External Degree in French, London University.

Other years of "The Durnovarian"
