
Here are various rugby-related photos gathered in recent years from numerous sources.

The quality of some may be below par, due in many cases to the copying process employed (e.g. re-photographing a hand-held original). If owners are able to make a better digital copy sometime and forward it to me, I would be very grateful.

My apologies to those whose names I have either got wrong or have forgotten. If you can put me right on any of these,
please e-mail me.

1 - Strictly speaking, this photo belongs on a Football page, but as there isn't one, and as Football was the School winter game before Rugby, I have put this one here.
This is the earliest Sports photo yet: it shows the Dorchester Grammar School Football team for 1902, reproduced (rather poorly unfortunately) in the Dorset Evening Echo around 1962.

2 - This shows the Dorchester Grammar School Football team for 1904. Bottom right is Fred Sansford, a cousin of the mother of Kent Stanton (Hardye's 1951-58).
The 1929 map of the School site (see under "School Buildings" photo 4) shows a Cricket Ground and, to the south, a Football Ground.
Photo courtesy of Kent Stanton.

3 - Second XV 1947. Identified are, left to right: Second row, standing, last two: RE Moors, JK Mainwaring;
Seated on bench: Mr RW Hill, MH Cleary, S Bryant (Capt.), ?, Mr HJ Hale;
Cross-legged, right: D Marley.
Signatures on the back of this photo are of: RE Moors, GS Paxman, AG Dubbin, KT Hawkins.
Photo courtesy of David Marley, who writes:
"I was a pupil from 1944 to '47 and those three years remain some of the happiest and most rewarding of my school life. I remember most clearly 'Steamboat' as he was my form master in Lower V Mod.
I attach a photograph of the 2nd XV Rugby team in 1947 and I was the tiny, frail member who is sitting between the knees of the rugby master [Mr Hale]. As you can see, I was at the very early stages of developing enough physical presence to withstand the rigours of being scrum-half but the master took an interest in my ability and I can remember him giving me individual coaching. It stood me in good stead and I was fortunate enough to reach county level. I was also honoured to be appointed skipper of my regimental team (The Queens Bays, 2nd Dragoon Guards) for the two seasons I was stationed in Germany. I finished my playing career as captain of Beaconsfield Rugby Club and I will put part of that reward down to the coaching and encouragement I received at Dorchester."

4 - Dorchester Grammar School Colts XV, 1949-50.
Photo courtesy of Gordon Hickmore.

5 - Rugby Second XV 1951-2.
Photo courtesy of John Rawlins.

6 - Dorchester Grammar School Under-16 XV, 1951-2.
Photo courtesy of Gordon Hickmore.

7 - Hardye's School First XV, 1952-3. (Note the School name change.)
Photo courtesy of Gordon Hickmore.

8 - Under 16 Rugby XV 1952-3.
Photo courtesy of Tom Morgan.

9 - Hardye's School First XV, 1953-4.
Photo courtesy of Gordon Hickmore.

10 - Lock House - Rugby XV 1953-4.
Photo courtesy of Tom Morgan.

11 - Now that's what I call an enthusiastic supporter! Chris Etherington supports his house in February 1955.
There were still some split opinions as to whether the Boarders were now Treves or School House.
Photo courtesy of Chris Etherington.

12 - Cock House Cup Winners - Treves House, 1955.
Photo courtesy of Gordon Hickmore.

13 - First XV 1955-6. From left to right:
Back row: SJ Martin, MJ Dowell, PM Warren, G Sanders, AJ Nickell, DB Gibbons, JC Neville, PB Watkins;
Front row: DE Kemp, PJ Kemp, PEG Daubeney, PJ Dillon, IM Sturgess, DA Woodward, DJ Gould;
Front centre: GA Hutchings, DR Hailes
Photo from "The Durnovarian" 1956, courtesy of Mick Humphrey.

14 - Second XV 1955-6.
Photo courtesy of Peter Sedgwick.

15 - Junior Colts 1955-6.
Photo courtesy of Geoff Moffatt.

16 - Junior Colts 1955-6.
Photo courtesy of Peter Brunt.

17 - Treves House - Linden-Moore Cup Winners 1956.
Photo courtesy of Peter Sedgwick.

18 - Old Hardyeans Match, December 1956.
Photo courtesy of Peter Sedgwick.

19 - First XV 1956-7.
Photo courtesy of Peter Sedgwick.

20 - Senior Colts XV 1956-7.
Photo courtesy of Peter Brunt.

21 - Treves House - Lyndon-Moore Cup Winners 1956-7.
Photo courtesy of Peter Sedgwick.

22 - Colts Under 15 XV 1957-8.
Photo courtesy of Peter Brunt.

23 - The Lower School XV 1957.
Back Row: Barry Hunt, Tony Scource, E Rolls, Mr HJ Hale, Barry Manley, Neville Lofthouse, Colin Oakford;
Middle Row: R Tugwell, Brian Keen, Mike Bates (Capt.), Barry Ross-Mackenzie, Barry Shorto;
Front Row: David Tilley, M King, Michael Hansford.
Photo courtesy of Mike Hansford.

24 - The 1st XV in 1958-9.
Photo courtesy of Tony Robertson.

25 - The 1st XV in 1959-60.

26 - The 2nd XV in 1959-60.

27 - The 3rd XV 1959-60.
Photo courtesy of Denis Howe, who recalls:
"We sometimes found ourselves playing against younger, weaker sides and on one occasion I remember that, at half time, we were winning by an embarrassing amount. I therefore decreed that in the second half my fellow forwards and I wouldn't run with the ball, but pass it straight out to the three quarter line. This resulted in an even bigger score - and was clearly so successful that we used this tactic for the rest of the season.".

28 - The Under 14 Colts XV 1959-60.
Photo courtesy of Richard Knight.

Two photos of the First XV 1959-60: Tony Williams as scrum-half gets the ball away: 29 - Left; 30 - Right.
Photos courtesy of Tony Williams.

31 - Hardye's Rugby Fixtures for 1959 - outside.
Photo courtesy of Tony Williams.

32 - Hardye's Rugby Fixtures for 1959 - inside.
Photo courtesy of Tony Williams.

33 - Hardye's Rugby Fixtures for 1960 - outside.
Photo courtesy of Tony Williams.

34 - Hardye's Rugby Fixtures for 1960 - inside.
Photo courtesy of Tony Williams.

35 - The First XV in 1960-1.

36 - The Under 15 Colts XV 1960-1.
Photo courtesy of Richard Knight.

Now three photos, kindly submitted by Richard Sams, that are not strictly Hardye's School, but feature several Hardye's boys:
Left, 37 - Dorset and Wilts Schools Team 1960. Richard Sams is in the middle row, 6th from the right, in a light shirt. Tony Williams is the 4th from the left, front row.
Right, 38 - Dorset and Wilts Schools Team 1961. In the back row, Brian Keen, who went on to play for England, is 5th from the right, and Richard Brown is 7th from the left. Richard Sams is 4th from the left, front row.

39 - Weymouth Rugby Club 1st XV 1960 which has several ex-Hardyeans in it. Back row, from 4th left: Richard Sams, Ian Birch, Dick Barriball, Andrew Nickell, Dave Gibbons, Ivan ("Jig") Varley.
Barry Ross-Mackenzies' father is front row with beard.

40 - The First XV 1961.
Back row: RH Knight, RJ Pinney, DJ Middle, MJ Bates, ?;
Middle row: EWN Taylor, AR Ford, BW Keen, RLW King, BN Ross-Mackenzie;
Front row: AN Lewis, J Old, NJ Williams, JW Virgin.
Photo courtesy of Richard Knight.

41 - The First XV 1962.
Photo courtesy of Richard Knight.

42 - The First XV 1963.
Photo courtesy of David Knapman.

43 - From 1964:
Back row: Shane Keen?, Peter Horne, Phillip Hamilton, ?, Paul Baker, Colin Bowden, Nigel Strange, Mike Tilley, Ross Stevens;
Front row: Frank Dyke, James Batstone, Kevin Chambers, ?, ?.
Photo courtesy of Phillip Hamilton.

44 - Wollaston Colts 1964.
Photo courtesy of Colin Turner.

45 - Third XV, 1965.
Back row: Peter Wheeler, David Buckland, Dermot Hannah, A Palmer, Paul Baker, RD Carter, Colin Bowden, Steve Howells, Don McGregor;
Front row: Peter Horne, Peter Figgins, Michael Hapgood, Roger MacLaverty, Brian Holland, ?, Ian Woollard.
Photo courtesy of Brian Holland.

46 - Under 15s XV, 1965.
Back row, left to right: Nigel (Sam) Salter, Pete Stapleforth, Ian (Bunt) Beards, Mike Hardy, John Runyard, Pete Norman, (Snake) Litchfield;
Front row: Benham, (Uggy) Reynolds, (Nob) Clark, Andrew (Seamus) Batchelor, Bern Bloodworth, Mike Holloway, Tim Howell.
Photo courtesy of Chris Stephens.

47 - 1st XV v Yeovil GS (Away), October 1966.
Photo courtesy of Derek Gallop, who recalls:
"Struggling to keep up with 'Kit' Baker and Kevin Chambers as we swamp Yeovil 61-0 (as usual)."

48 - 2nd XV Rugby, December 1967.
Photo courtesy of Peter Figgins.

49 - 3rd XV Rugby, 1967.
Photo courtesy of Colin Turner.

50 - Wollaston Colts, 1967.
Photo courtesy of Simon Litster.

51 - Wollaston Colts 1968.
Back Row - Martin Ball, ?, Rob Matthews, Dave King, Harding, Adrian Bridle;
Front Row - Robin Carr, Tim Deaves, Welton, Steve Smith, ? , Griffiths.
Photo courtesy of Tim Deaves.

52 - 3rd XV Rugby, 1968.
Photo courtesy of Colin Turner.

53 - Under 14 Colts 1969.
Back Row - Dave King, ?, ?, Adrian Bridle, ?, ?, Rob Matthews;
Front Row - Martin Ball, Tim Deaves, Steve Smith, Griffiths;
Sitting - R Carr, Welton.
Photo courtesy of Tim Deaves.

54 - Under 14 Colts 1970.
Back Row - ?, ? ,? , Harding, ?, Dave King, Rob Mathews, Callum Richings, Martin Ball;
Front Row - Tim Deaves, ? , Griffiths, Steve Smith, ? , Stokes, Robin Carr.
Photo courtesy of Tim Deaves.

55 - Senior Colts 1971.
Back Row - Mr Pope (Staff), ?, Harding, Adrian Bridle, ?, Tim Beech, Dave King, Callum Richings;
Front Row - ?, ?, Martin Ball, Griffiths, ?, Tim Deaves, ?;
Sitting - Robin Carr.
Photo courtesy of Tim Deaves.

56 - Wollaston Colts Rugby 1971.
Photo courtesy of Andrew Hellard.

57 - First XV, 1972.
Photo courtesy of Simon Litster.

58 - Under 14 Colts Rugby 1972.
Photo courtesy of Andrew Hellard.

59 - Junior Colts Rugby 1973.
Photo courtesy of Andrew Hellard.

Left, 60 - 1st XV Rugby 1974; Right, 61 - 1st XV Rugby 1975.
Photos courtesy of Sean Riches.

62 - Senior Colts XV Rugby 1975
Photo courtesy of Michael Crowhurst.

63 - 1st XV Rugby 1976.
Photo courtesy of Andrew Hellard.

64 - 1st XV Rugby 1977.
Photo courtesy of Andrew Hellard.

65 - 2nd XV Rugby 1977.
Standing: SM Blonstein, CR Higshaw, RG Dowell, AA Burke, JL McFadyen, A Rossendell, PD Greening, P Godden, N Sawtell, J Dixon, RJ Wild, D Rashid.
Seated: PJ Matthews, DAR Lidgsy, JA Ashworth (V Capt), MRO Kley (Capt), M Crowhurst, DM Strain, A Daw.
Photo courtesy of Michael Crowhurst.

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