The 2018 Reunion.

The 2018 Reunion on Saturday 12 May was another big success, thanks to the faultless organisation by Nigel Newbery
with the assistance of Ann Newbery and Ernie Middle.
Also, we all enjoyed the highly amusing presentation "Laughter - The Best Medecine" by Robin Miller.

My grateful thanks to Ernie Middle for all the photos below.

Left: 1 - The Buffet;
Right: 2 - Roger Newton, Richard Sams.

Left: 3 - Paul Handley;
Right: 4 - Pauline & Chas Bradford.

Left: 5 - Pat Kensley;
Right: 6 - Ernie Middle, Chris Prideaux.

Left: 7 - Paul Handley, Denis Howe, Pat Kensley;
Right: 8 - Nick Prideaux, Robin Miller.

Left: 9 - John Townsend, Ted & Diane Davis, Mick Humphrey;
Right: 10 - Ron Cave, Richard Cole.

Left: 11 - Mick Humphrey, Pat Middle, Babs Johnson;
Right: 12 - Tony Williams, Ann Newbery.

Left: 13 - Gerald Mabb, Richard Luther;
Right: 14 - Chris Prideaux, Doreen Newton.

Left: 15 - Frank Bowering, Liz Laidlaw;
Right: 16 - Ann Howe.

Left: 17 - Chris Prideaux, Roger Newton;
Right: 18 - Richard Sams, Tony Williams.

Left: 19 - Jess Williams, Wendy Sams;
Right: 20 - Mick Humphrey, Pat Middle.

Left: 21 - Ted & Diane Davis;
Right: 22 - Graham Allen, Lynne Townsend.

Left: 23 - Barbara Walton, Ann Humphrey;
Right: 24 - Richard & Gaynor Luther.

Left: 25 - Richard Hallett, Ruth Dawe;
Right: 26 - Chrissie Day, Nick Prideaux.

27 - The Ladies: Back row: Babs Johnson, Lynne Townsend, Wendy Sams, Diane Davies (partly obscured), Ruth Dawe, Ann Howe, Lesley Hallett, Doreen Newton;
Middle row: Chrissie Day, Chris Prideaux, Ann Humphrey (leaning forward), Liz Laidlaw, Barbara Walton;
Front row: Pat Middle, Jess Williams, Ann Newbery, Pat Kensley.

28 - The Gentlemen: Standing: Graham Allen, Paul Handley, Nick Prideaux, Mick Humphrey, Roger Newton, Richard Sams,
Robin Miller, John Townsend, Ted Davies, Gerald Mabb, Denis Howe, Richard Luther, Peter Lawrence, Frank Bowering, Richard Cole, Richard Hallett, Chas Bradford;
Seated: Tony Williams, Ron Cave, Roger Dawe, Eric Church, Mike Thomas, Nigel Newbery.

Click here for other Reunions