The 2006 Reunion.
Here are the photos of the 2006 Reunion at the Dorchester Rugby Football Club.
My apologies to those whose names I have either got wrong or have forgotten. If you can put me right on any of these, please e-mail me.
1 - Left to right: Peter Lewendon, Geoff Moffatt, Christine Moffatt, Jan Hibbard, Nick Hibbard, Geoff Standring, Pat Bell, Tony Barber.
2 - Nick Hibbard, Geoff Standring, Pat Bell, Tony Barber, Jan Hibbard
3 - Nick Prideaux, Ian Taylor, Chris Prideaux (seated), John Sonley, Beryl Freeth, Malcolm Freeth, Wendy Sams, Doreen Newton, Roger Newton, Richard Sams (back to camera)
4 - Beryl Freeth, Malcolm Freeth, Wendy Sams, Doreen Newton, Roger Newton, Richard Sams, Nick Prideaux (standing), Chris Prideaux.
5 - Nigel Newbery, Janet Hunt, John Hunt, Chris Nother, Tony Davis, Jess Williams, Tony Williams, Ann Newbery, Ian Taylor & John Sonley standing in background.
6 - Tony Davis, Chrissy Davis, Jess Williams, Tony Williams, Robin Miller (standing), Ann Newbery, Nigel Newbery, Janet Hunt, John Hunt, Chris Nother, Dave Andrews.
7 - ... and the strawberries were fantastic!
8 - Back row: Nick Hibbard, Roger Newton, Pat Bell, John Sonley, Philip Short, Richard Sams, Chris Nother. Middle row: Tony Williams, Robin Miller, Geoff Standring, Peter Lewendon, Nigel Newbery, Tony Davis, Tony Barber. Front row: Ian Taylor, Geoff Moffatt, Malcolm Freeth, Graham Allen, Mick Humphrey, Nick Prideaux, John Hunt.
9 - ...and not forgetting the Ladies: Back row: Jan Hibbard, Jess Williams, Christine Moffatt, Alison Barber, Janet Hunt, Beryl Freeth. Front row: Helen Standring, Chrissy Davis, Ann Newbery, Jill Lewendon, Wendy Sams, Doreen Newton, Chris Prideaux.