The Official School Photo 1957.

Photo courtesy of Peter Cunningham.
Mark Loosemore has kindly provided the colourised version shown at the bottom of this page.

This shows a complement of 464 boys plus 29 staff.

Below the photo is a table listing all the faces identified to date, in alphabetic order, along with the number shown in the pop-up labels (see below). The numbers start with 001 at the left-hand end of the rear row, with numbers increasing to the right, 101 at the left of the next row down, and so on. There are about 50 to 60 boys in each row. Thus it should not be too difficult to locate the face belonging to a given name.

Also below the photo are links to show enlarged portions of the photo.

Please use your web browser horizontal scroll bar to pan the entire photo.

To pop-up an individual's name, place your screen cursor over the individual's face. If you recognise a face which has no name, or is incorrect, please e-mail me, quoting the number in question.

My thanks to Nigel Newbery and his helpers for identifying the faces below.

553HM Ackroyd
006NJ Adnams
255GF Allen
269PF Allgood
703RD Ames
001B Anderson
039JAD Ansell
056JAD Anson
271CW Applin
106RG Arnold
661JE Arthur
647AJ Attryde
306MJ Baggs
739JL Bailey
557AJ Baker
708JA Ballard
235REH Ballard
020AT Banks
016RA Banks
135FA Barber
730DT Barker
160MW Barker
525Mr R Barrass
128CJ Barter
329G Bartlett
667JA Bassindale
714MJ Bates
423EV Batstone
206GF Batstone
538Mr K Batty
550WG Beale
554VP Beard
216DAR Beaton
365PCHL Bell
520Mr MHA Berry
421RC Berry
249AJ Berwick
632AJ Betts
606EE Betts
150DJ Billett
337IG Birch
072RW Birch
048WI Birrell
231SNJ Blades
111D Blanchard
746JW Boffey
732CS Bongard
051C Borries
251D Borries
748T Boswell
236J Boucher
511T Boucher
123NV Boultwood
617JM Bowen
349T Bowen
340M Bower
211R Bower
044F Bowering
246C Bradford
164PR Breed
518Mr JA Bristow
332NA Britton
545Mr GL Brookfield
045GCR Broome
234RLE Brown
331RGE Brown
012TJ Brown
641TAD Browning
304PW Brunt
011D Buckler
547MB Bullocke
355JE Bundy
655PFR Burch
032DS Burdle
118MJ Burdle
002FA Burt
629KW Butler
166BV Cake
404CR Cake
723PF Cann
649RC Carder
343JM Cartwright
025NJ Case
320WJ Caselton
058RJ Cave
747RJ Chaldecott
734MP Charles
047EC Church
205BR Churchill
301AR Clark
651NGR Clarke
509RWB Cleall
322M Cleaver
656KE Coe
208RL Coe
068DJE Coleman
512MW Collins
603RC Collins
653CM Comely
162KJ Coombes
751BA Cooper
169JD Corbin
338AJ Costello
712CJ Cousins
325JJ Craggs
339JVA Crawford
212JE Crewe
326MJ Crocker
654MJ Crockford
640MC Cross
753MJ Cross
253PC Crozier
533Mr BC Cruse
222PJ Cunningham
131AE Damen
071MJ Darby
003MJ Davies
228R Davies
108EW Davies-Brown
221ARJ Davis
223PCR Davis
124NC Dennis
720MJ Derrick
303IE Diffey
046AR Dodgson
308A Downton
261RB Duckett
721J Dufall
650RD Dundas-Thomas
736VJ Dunn
552JA Eades
218WS Easton
033JAP Edge
401DB Edwards
633RJA Edwards
144WH Edwards
717NJ Ellis
513R Ellis
267R Enestrom
556RN English
134RA Evans
342CW Everitt
662JA Farwell
155RQ Fay
413AV Felton
361DJ Felton
232N Fennemore
514RM Fennemore
268W Fielden
151RT Fitches
070RJ Fletcher
316HS Ford
604CR Foreguard
168JE Forsyth
665BJ Fox
528Mr SA Fox
256MO Freeth
312CS Fry
153JC Fuller
215RJ Gale
311MW Garner
315JR Gaster
706CD Gay
659RG Gerrard
341CD Gilbert
307BR Gill
024HG Gill
555LC Gill
248JT Gleghorn
523Mr DI Goddard
172A Goldsworthy
410SJ Gould
031AJ Grandin
360AE Gray
668BM Gunstone
529Mr HJ Hale
167PJ Hales
638DK Hallett
035RJ Hallett
531Mr AN Hamilton
660RAN Hancox
050PB Handley
402MA Hansford
109MSC Hardie
069IMT Hare
755J Hargraves
147RA Harris
101DM Harrison
643PJM Hart
139MLJ Hartnell
145MRJ Hawkins
403GE Hayfield
126JS Hayfield
711NAJ Hayne
357GN Herbert
140AD Herridge
017NG Hibbard
266DC Hide
602PR Hiscock
505RF Hole
143TR Holland
707PB Holmes
616M Horton
148WF House
559TWB Houseago
040DF Howe
008JC Hughes
621S Hughes
129MW Humphrey
233CS Humphries
639JD Hunnisett
540Mrs Hunt
426BF Hunt
244JCA Hunt
110JR Hunt
254G Hunter
743D Hurworth
163WJ Hurworth
515GA Hutchings
652EC Hutchinson
613BA Inkpen
207LJ Ironside
346PG Jacobs
302DR James
265MH James
158MJ Jeanes
305DA Jeffers
742MJ Jenkins
645DP Johnston
318WHC Johnston
737AH Jones
625HG Jones
102SJ Jones
642RW Joslin
501JC Joy
504AC Kaile
415MD Kann
224MP Kearsey
727BW Keen
615D Kelly
516PJ Kemp
522Mr HGH Kenion
105AC Kenway
152JN Kerswell
057AD King
657CM King
204DJ King
021ET King
701MT King
614RLW King
321CL Kingman
508RL Kingman
704RM Kingsbury
324MA Kitley
519Mr AA Lambart
535Mr W Lancashire
750N Lawrence
356PW Lawrence
408P Lazen
227R Lean-Vercoe
620DJ LeBreton
539Mr BF Lee
257GJO Lee
149HTC Lee
631NJS Lee
240RJ Lee
104JE LeQuesne
543Mr PH Lewendon
663AN Lewis
530Mr DS Lidbury
363MJ Lindsay
333MA Lisemore
330CCD Lisney
738A Lock
503AC Lock
416CNB Lofthouse
317DC Love
358RH Loveys
142RHJ Lucas
411CJ Lucking
157JR Lunn
260RG Luther
062JA Lynn
138NH Macdonald
549WS Mackenzie
601CS Male
733BVJ Manley
536Mr HJC Mann
348WJD Marshall
161JR Martin
203WPJ Maunder
259A McCulloch
136DFJ McGoun
507CS McKissack
038RE Middle
007J Miles
132RA Miller
314P Millward
015HF Milner
201KJG Milner
154BL Mitchell
117GW Moffatt
063CD Moore
713DM Moore
041EGB Moore
209GR Moore
122MJ Morgan
121JR Morley
067CM Morris
009D Moxom
156AF Mugridge
014AR Mussell
127BH Nattrass
226JGA Neades
120NR Newbery
028R Newton
735DC Nicholson
037AJ Nickell
220RM Norman
238MJ Northover
060RA Norton
107CR Nother
417CR Oakford
263PC Old
114DJ Oliver
029DR Page
334HMH Pain
722JR Palmer
609RJ Palmer
716SW Palmer
202RC Pannell
407HC Parker
013WLJ Parkes
328TR Parry
560DJ Parsons
116RIW Partridge
354MT Payne
159JJ Pearson
219DR Perry
242JH Perry
624SJ Pike
309IO Pinkham
757RA Pinkham
225RJ Pinney
053NJ Pitcher
042JM Poate
420DA Poole
030WJ Pope
724RC Porter
229JW Porter
052RH Pretty
359DAJ Pride
239PCN Prideaux
718AC Probin
353WH Prothero
422TM Pullen
066D Quick
119DI Ralph
043DJ Ratcliffe
740D Read
612R Reid
264TJ Reiss
064AR Rench
506RHS Revell
344EH Ricketts
526Mr JO Roberts
036AD Robertson
061JA Robertson
610PMF Robins
623CJ Robinson
335CJ Rodway
510A Rogers
018DJC Rogers
666MD Rogers
112NGM Rogers
113RJ Rogers
541Mr RR Rogers
728ET Rolls
622AW Rose
749MD Rose
405BN Ross-Mackenzie
527Mr NM Roussel
607AJ Rudman
636DJ Rushen
347KR Rushen
618P Rushen
635JD Sampson
364RF Sams
319JF Samways
731DA Sanson
729PS Sanson
310PJ Saville
409DJ Scarsbrook
705A Scource
548PA Sedgwick
171EF Seers
213C Seward
542Mr WA Sewell
115AF Shaddick
217CJ Sharpe
558MJ Sheridan
715CW Sherring
004NH Sherring
241PJ Short
418BJ Shorto
170WF Simms
055CD Simons
258RE Simpson
165SJ Slade
709R Slavin
754MJ Smeaton
644AN Smith
741EJ Smith
627JPP Smith
327RP Smith
710JW Snelling
034MR Snelling
366JM Sonley
546FR Southerington
270JE Spranklin
605CR Squibb
247GD Standring
059FB Stanley
345GF Stansfield
362CMKJ Stanton
658MJT Stanton
719CJ Staple
323AN Stear
630RD Steel
537Mr CH Steemson
230SR Stevenson
125MG Stone
744TK Stone
412FT Stoneham
313E Storkey
551KGF Sturmey
137EA Sugg
702KS Sullivan
756DJ SWain
049JAR Taunton-Rigby
103DW Taylor
619EWN Taylor
252IH Taylor
664RS Taylor
336A Tewson
350PM Thomas
534Mr RR Thomas
414DM Tidball
425DW Tilley
351PR Tomes
544Mr R Tompsett
146GR Tookey
262J Townsend
133RC Townsend
010AJ Truscott
419DM Tucker
725R Tugwell
022S Turner
637VM Turp
210POF Vallance
130JIG Varley
214B Ventham
502PC Venton
005GP Vincent
054JW Wakeley
023CA Walton
524Mr SWJ Walton
608C Warren
243PC Warrick
352PB Watkins
561RJ Watkins
745CJ Wellesley-Miller
027JR Wellesley-Miller
646TCT Wellesley-Miller
517Mr H Westlake
532Mr DC Whitaker
406DG White
626GH White
424TW Whittle
250TH Williams
521Rev AG de L Willis
628SBA Winchester
634CJ Witt
726MD Witt
611DG Wood
026AL Woodhouse
065DW Worgan
752NE Worsley
237TR Worthington
245RA Wyatt
648PM Yates
019PJ Zealley

The links below create pop-ups showing enlarged portions of the photo above. Since the photo is so large, the enlargements are in four portions; leftmost, left centre, right centre & rightmost, with a small overlap. By clicking on these links, the appropriate portion is shown in a new window which can be resized and moved about at will. The enlargements do not have the pop-up labels as in the photo above. As these enlargements themselves are large files (5 to 7 megabytes), they will take a fair time to download to your computer.
If the enlargement disappears any time, don't worry - it's probably behind this window. Just bring it to the front again.

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