The Official School Photo 1952.

Photo courtesy of Malcolm Harris.
Mark Loosemore has kindly provided the colourised version shown at the bottom of this page.

This shows a complement of 441 boys plus 28 staff.

Below the photo is a table listing all the faces identified to date, in alphabetic order, along with the number shown in the pop-up labels (see below). The numbers start with 001 at the left-hand end of the rear row, with numbers increasing to the right, 101 at the left of the next row down, and so on. There are about 50 to 60 boys in each row. Thus it should not be too difficult to locate the face belonging to a given name.

Also below the photo are links to show enlarged portions of the photo.

Please use your web browser horizontal scroll bar to pan the entire photo.

To pop-up an individual's name, place your screen cursor over the individual's face. If you recognise a face which has no name, or is incorrect, please e-mail me, quoting the number in question.

720AA Adams
042C Adams
043M Adams
454JD Appleton
719RG Arnold
211K Arthurs
106D Bacon
412W Bailey
401George Bareham
116B Barnett
245CJ Bartlett
452G Bartlett
002R Batts
523Mr K Batty
608W Beale
219R Bellamy
071R Bere
441M Betts
324MW Betts
607IG Birch
616B Booth
127T Boucher
425GPS Boultwood
709T Bowen
744M Bowers
156P Brickell
246C Bridges
406N Britton
005JM Brocklesby
708DR Broughton
028K Brown
054R Brown
445R Brown
511PJ Budd
107G Budd
009P Budd
311J Bugg
335R Bugg
354C Bullocke
152M Bullocke
025MJ Burgess
701PO Burn
068A Caddy
724ARW Cake
725DJ Cake
625JM Cartright
417WJ Caselton
535Mr JO Chandler
727W Clark
145PME Clarke
125RWB Cleall
340G Cleaver
033M Cleaver
105WAJ Clements
529Mr EF Cole
704IF Coleman
073M Coles
323C Collings
432M Collins
424MW Collins
610S Collins
430J Coombes
429W Corner
409AJ Costello
451G Cotton
155G Crabb
159JJ Craggs
639JVA Crawford
524Mr BC Cruse
160P Daubeney
209D Dawson
147V Dean
703JC Diccox
153P Dillon
205K Diment
063B Dodson
647KE Donnelly
021M Dowell
707A Downton
461D Downton
433M Dunnett
508JH Dutot
640JA Eades
326J Ellwood
740MWF Escott
438C Etherington
026D Evans
141R Fennemore
121I Forbes
411HS Ford
259DJ Foreman
237L Fost
457R Fox
525Mr SA Fox
456L Frampton
321CS Fry
252M Fry
011G Fuller
253B Furmage
154R Fursey
614M Garner
410P Garrett
627CD Gilbert
726MJ Gilday
517Mr A Giuseppi
243B Goodchild
553GF Goss
261C Gould
036D Gould
124G Graham
058RE Graham
347D Greening
139F Guppy
447J Guppy
705D Hailes
530Mr HJ Hale
018R Hansford
544D Hardwicke
046M Hardwicke
617B Harris
031M Harris
122C Hawker
645I Hawkins
437A Hayward
030C Heseltine
201G Hickmore
519Mr A Hill
533Miss EM Hill
528Mr RW Hill
045T Hill
217J Hodges
638D Holden
206M Hollywell
351C Hood
532Mr J Hopewell
442P Horsington
110M House
227J Howard
448J Hudson
017M Hunt
649G Hutchings
348B Hyde
712EC Imms
345P Jeffs
464W Jeram
531Mr GHD Johnson
545G Jones
023A Keen
223D Kemp
513D Kemp
060P Kemp
636CL Kingman
020M Kitley
633G Knott
228D Lake
521Mr W Lancashire
225PW Lawrence
540Mr BF Lee
119D Lees
538Mr PH Lewendon
527Mr DS Lidbury
431I Liddiard
012M Lisemore
117A Lisney
008CC Lisney
444J Lock
338J Lomax
416DC Love
652LG Love
075R Mackenzie
537Mr D MacOwen
027P Male
541Mr HJ Mann
216I Mardon
710W Marshall
255J Mayo
312DW McCririck
133D Meech
233D Merchant
501P Millward
427B Mitchell
609JA Moore
065B Moors
207T Morgan
048D Mundy
315R Mundy
128M Nance
458R Napper
413C Narroway
035J Neville
353D Nickell
611I Okeford
543A Osborne
204G Osborne
304K Osborne
702M Owers
714DR Page
059HMH Pain
428D Palmer
713JTV Pannell
620R Parker
421T Parry
055RJ Paul
721MT Payne
140J Payne
742D Phillips
728RE Pickersgill
730IO Pinkham
024A Pope
717W Prothero
722JJ Prowse
069B Puckett
041G Pugh
602DB Rashley
502J Rawlins
547B Read
505P Read
215T Read
554SA Reddell
414AR Reed
604BJ Rees
449J Rees
737JB Reiss
405EH Ricketts
534Mr JO Roberts
603AD Robertson
064P Robson
446A Rogers
605CR Rolls
221C Roper
118D Rossiter
520Mr NMS Roussel
606K Rushen
234I Sams
114J Sargent
539Mr WA Sewell
419NG Shorrocks
076SR Shelton
628NH Sherring
546R Shutler
210R Sibley
629SM Simms
306B Skinner
514A Smith
134E Smith
003JW Smith
111PWG Smith
426FR Southerington
631AR Sprake
615P Squibb
711CMK Stanton
157G Starck
443A Stear
536Mr CH Steemson
113B Stephens
247I Sturgess
415KGF Sturmey
551PJ Swindells
613R Symes
151B Symons
619J Talbot
453A Tewson
161I Thomas
516Mr RR Thomas
308R Tilney-Bassett
462B Tollerfield
218N Tomes
739PR Tomes
618J Treneer
331J Turner
336J Vellacot
731P Vickery
146ARG Wallace
518Mr SWJ Walton
350M Ward
019P Warren
734P Watkins
158C Wells-Furby
549H Wells-Furby
542Mr SH Westlake
418A White
526Mr DC Whittaker
067C Wigan
044D Williams
522Mr AG Willis
515D Willis
404FD Willy
004J Witt
001D Woodward
115R Wright

The links below create pop-ups showing enlarged portions of the photo above. Since the photo is so large, the enlargements are in three portions; left, centre & right, with a small overlap. By clicking on these links, the appropriate portion is shown in a new window which can be resized and moved about at will. The enlargements do not have the pop-up labels as in the photo above. As these enlargements themselves are large files (5 to 7 megabytes), they will take a fair time to download to your computer.
If the enlargement disappears any time, don't worry - it's probably behind this window. Just bring it to the front again.

Left Portion        Centre Portion        Right Portion

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