John 'Jammy' Mathews Photo Collection
For the camera buffs: all these photos were taken on a bakelite Kodak Brownie.
1 - William Pratt in Southfields back garden, 1949. 2 - Front row l to r: Jammy Mathews, ?, Robin Wallace & 'Titch' Galloway; rest unknown.
3 - l to r: Malcolm Sully, Stuart Reddell, Noel Tomes & Rodney Bugg, 1949. 4 - Jack Loveys on Prince of Wales Road, across the road from Southfield House
5 - Hollywell throwing, Maitland just under his left hand, Graham 'Tally' Jervis-Hunter is sitting with 'Dobbie' Dobson on his knee, Noel Tomes is behind him, Jack Loveys on the right standing (owner of the arm not known), face obliterated by Hollywell's hand is possibly that of Nicholson, standing above on the slope is David Singleton. The location is Maiden Castle, Summer 1949.
6 - Again at Maiden Castle with David Singleton doing a 'tossing the cabre' impression whilst Malcolm Sully looks on.
7 - Robin Chaffey in the back garden at Southfields trying to retrieve his personally constructed 'Minimoa' balsa wood and tissue glider from a tall bush. Summer 1949.
8 - David McCririck at the back exit of the boarding house.
9 - Summer walk 1949: Back to camera LH side is most likely Graham Jervis-Hunter, facing on the left is definitely John Hodges, peering into the water is 'Dobbie' Dobson, next to him is Nicholson and then Hollywell - the rest unknown except that on the far right, the tallest lad next to the pole is probably Jeremy Biggs.>
10 - At the front door: Robin Wallace with Matron Ilse Schidlof - renowned for frequently saying 'I vant to go back to Vienna' when under stress!>
11 - Graham Jervis-Hunter (left) and David McCririck photographed against the Cadets Hut.
12 - Cadet Hut & Coal Heap (as previous photo).
13 - Jammy Mathews wins the Colts Cross Country race, 1946. Photo taken by Mr J Hale.
(Cadet Hut in background left, west side of school on right, with Physics & Chemistry labs upstairs.)
14 - Thom at the back of Southfield House.
15 - Hodges, Clarke & J Biggs at the 1951 Festival of Britain.
16 - Jervis-Hunter, Flynn, Singleton & McCririck on one of the River Walks, showing a fine bit of leg - note the suspenders!