The Lancashire Collection: 1948-9.
1 - On the lawn, July 1948. Left to right:
Back row: J Alexander, Flynn, Miss Ilse Schidlof,
Mr & Mrs Lancashire, McCririck, R Biggs, R Alexander;
Front row: Jervis-Hunter, Reddell, Pratt, Foreman, Maitland.
Miss Schidlof was the sister of Peter Schidlof, the viola player in the Amadeus String Quartet; they were Austrian refugees who came to this country in 1938.
2 - July 1948. Left to right:
Back row: Flynn. Browne, Mrs Lancashire, McCririck, R Biggs;
Front row: Jervis-Hunter, Reddell, Pratt, Foreman, Maitland.
3 - July 1948. As the previous photo, but minus Mrs Lancashire.
4 - July 1948. As the previous photo, but plus Mr Lancashire.
5 - July 1949.
6 - July 1949. Left to right:
Back row: R Alexander, Godfrey & Mr Lancashire, Revans, R Robinson;
Front row: Gale, A Sully, J Alexander.
7 - July 1949. Left to right:
Back row: R Alexander, A Sully, Miss Ilse Schidlof, R Robinson, J Alexander;
Front row: Gale, Revans.
8 - July 1949. Left to right:
Back row: Mathews, Galloway, M Sully, J Loveys, Hodges;
Front row: Wallace, Dobson, Hollywell, Tomes, J Biggs.