Heathcote House

History: Heathcote House was the last of the boarding houses, and was first opened in 1951. The first House Master was Mr JO Roberts, and when he retired, the post was taken over by Mr H Bax.
In 1978, following the closure of South Walks House, the position of House Master was taken by Mr N Lord, assisted by Mr PH Lewendon. The House finally closed in July 1991, having been open for 40 years and one term.
[More history required please - e-mail me]

1 - A map of Heathcote Lodge, as it was, in 1888, with a fountain at the front.

Left: 2 - Heathcote Lodge in 1902; the rear has been extended. Right: 3 - by 1929, the front glazed area has been built on.

In July 2023, I visited the Dorset History Centre in Dorchester, where I was able to photograph several documents relevant to the history of Hardye's, and which now appear in this and other pages of this website. Where they do, I also give the Centre's document reference number in brackets as 'DHC' followed by their reference number should others wish to inspect them.

In 1911 Heathcote Lodge came up for sale. Below are copies of pages from the sales brochure (DHC D-HDS/SP/1911/4):






Jack Crewe has written an article on life at Heathcote in the 1950's. Chris Higson has sent in further memories, which I have added to the end of Jack's piece - Click Here

9 - Heathcote House, late 1951 - its first year.
Photo courtesy of Geoffrey Goss.

10 - Heathcote House 1951.
Photo courtesy of Geoffrey Goss.

11 - Heathcote House 1951 - the building of the Dining Room.
Photo courtesy of Geoffrey Goss.

12 - Heathcote House 1952 - the end of its first full year.
Back Row: RL Graham, GJ Flower, Whitehouse, Mayo, RP Smith, Alan White, Frank Southerington, John Eades;
Third Row: David Evans, Cyril Bartlett, Rees, Stephens?, Nick Adams, Bill Corner, Michael Betts, Tim Bird;
Second Row: ?, Geoffrey F Goss, Matron, Mr JO Roberts, Mrs Gwen Roberts, Mr David MacOwen, MH Turner;
Front Row: JJ Prowse, ?, Michael Coles?, Stephen Roberts, Gillian Roberts, Bill Prothero, Barry Watkins, Robin Tomes.
Photo courtesy of Geoffrey Goss.

13 - Heathcote House 1953
Back Row: Alan White, Bill Corner, Rees, GJ Flower, RP Smith, Michael Betts, Frank Southerington, RL Graham;
Third Row: Barry Watkins, John Eades, Nick Adams, David Bacon, Mayo, Stephens, Tim Bird, Whitehouse, David Evans, JJ Prowse;
Second Row: Cyril Bartlett, MH Turner, Mr MacOwen, Mrs Gwen Roberts, Mr JO Roberts, Matron, Vinnie Dean, Hammond;
Front Row: Egbert Moore, Bob Rench, John Miles, Gillian Roberts, Bill Prothero, Ian Birrell, David Wright, Robin Tomes.
Photo courtesy of Bob Rench.

14 - Heathcote House 1954
Back Row: Ian Birrell, JJ Prowse, Robin Tomes, John Eades, Chris Rodway, Alan White, Barry Watkins, Tom Worthington, David Wright;
Third Row: Bill Prothero, Bill Corner, GJ Flower,RP Smith, Tim Bird, Nick Adams, David Evans, Michael Coles, Rees, Frank Southerington, Egbert Moore;
Second Row: Michael Betts, Vinnie Dean, Miss "Chink" Evans (Matron), Mr JO Roberts, Mrs Gwen Roberts, David Bacon, Cyril Bartlett;
Front Row: Godfrey Lee, John Fuller, Nick Dennis, Gillian Roberts, Simon Brewis, John Miles, Bob Rench.
Photo courtesy of Bob Rench.

15 - Heathcote Summer Outing 1954
(To pop-up an individual's name, place the cursor over the individual's face.)
Photo courtesy of Bob Rench.

Left: 16 - The rear of Heathcote House. 17 - Right: Sunday Walk, 1954 - Jack Crewe 3rd from right, leaning on rail.
Photos courtesy of Jack Crewe.

18 - Heathcote House 1955
Back Row: Alan King, Nick Dennis, John Miles, Bill Prothero, Ian Birrell, John Blanchard, Barry Watkins, Egbert Moore, John Fuller, Godfrey Lee, Simon Brewis, Tom Worthington;
Third Row: Robin Tomes, Michael Coles, Alan White, John Eades, Chris Rodway, Nick Adams, GJ Flower, RP Smith, Bill Corner, JJ Prowse, Chris Sharpe;
Second Row: David Evans, Michael Betts (Head Boy), Mr Michael Hughes (House Tutor), Miss Evans (Matron), Mr JO Roberts, Mrs Gwen Roberts, Cyril Bartlett, Frank Southerington, Tim Bird;
Front Row: Colin Legg, Ian Diffey, Peter Cunningham, Gillian Roberts, Roger Gale, John Martin, Jack Crewe.
Photo courtesy of Jack Crewe.

19 - Heathcote House 1956
Back Row: Roger Gale, Peter Cunningham, Godfrey Lee, Nick Dennis, Bill Prothero, John Fuller, John Miles, Ian Diffey, John Martin, Philip Allgood, David Hide;
Third Row: Roy Carder, Robin Tomes, Barry Watkins, Ian Birrell, Egbert Moore, Chris Rodway, Tom Worthington, John Blanchard, John White, Alan King, Jack Crewe;
Second Row: JJ Prowse, Tim Bird, Frank Southerington, Mrs Gwen Roberts, Mr JO Roberts, Miss Evans (Matron), Michael Coles, RP Smith, John Eades;
Front Row: Chris Sharpe, Simon Winchester, Peter Robins, Gillian Roberts, Colin Legg, Robin Steel, Colin Squibb.
Photo courtesy of Jack Crewe.

20 - Heathcote House 1957
Back Row: Chris Sharpe, Peter Cunningham, Philip Allgood, Godfrey Lee, Robin Steel, Roger Lean-Vercoe, John Martin, Roger Gale, David Hide, Roy Carder, Jack Crewe;
Third Row: Alan King, Robin Tomes, GF Stansfield, Ian Birrell, Egbert Moore, Tom Worthington, John Blanchard, Ian Diffey, John Fuller, Simon Winchester;
Second Row: Bill Prothero, John White, Frank Southerington, Miss Evans (Matron), Mr JO Roberts, Gillian Roberts, Mrs Gwen Roberts, Mr Michael Berry, RP Smith, Barry Watkins, Chris Rodway;
Front Row: Peter Holmes, Fred Stoneham, Michael Bates, Michael Kann, Peter Robins, Colin Squibb.
Photo courtesy of Alan King.

21 - Alwyn Eades forwarded this photo from Alan White, showing part of the Prefects Room - the only colour photo we have from Heathcote. This photo must be post 1957, since the photo seen on the shelf is the 1957 House Photo (see above).
Photo courtesy of Alan White.

Frank Southerington has added the following note:
"I can pretty much date this photo to spring 1958. You mention that it came from Alan White; he was my successor as head boy at Heathcote, and when I left in December 1957, the room did not look like the photograph. But one of his fellow-prefects was Barry Watkins, an artist (then and still) who also designed the cover of the issues of 'The Durnovarian'. I liked that tiny room up in the attic, but I know why they decided to brighten it up."

Alwyn Eades has added the following note:
"In all the pictures, you list me as John Eades, which was my official name, but when we changed from using surnames to using first names for each other (at about age 15 as I recall) I elected to use my middle name - there were too many other Johns. So most people will recall me (if at all) as Alwyn Eades."

22 - Heathcote House 1958
Back Row: Roy Carder, Nick Dennis, Peter Cunningham, Jack Crewe, David Hide, Roger Gale, Philip Allgood, Simon Winchester, Robin Steel, Colin Squibb, A Patterson, Peter Holmes, Peter Robins;
Third Row: John Martin, Godfrey Lee, John Blanchard, GF Stansfield, Tom Worthington, John Fuller, Roger Lean-Vercoe, Alan King, Ian Diffey, Chris Sharpe;
Second Row: Egbert Moore, Ian Birrell, Robin Tomes, Barry Watkins, "Bun", Mr JO Roberts, Gillian Roberts, Mrs Gwen Roberts, Mr Michaell Berry, John White, John Eades, Bill Prothero;
Front Row: Fred Stoneham, A Lewis, John Sherry, Michael Kann, Michael Bates, Peter Barrett.
Photo courtesy of Jack Crewe.

23 - Heathcote House 1959
Back Row: Peter Barrett, Lewis, Roger Gale, Jack Crewe, Colin Squibb, A Patterson, Michael Bates, Vince Dunn, Michael Kann;
Third Row: Fred Stoneham, Godfrey Lee, Roger Lean-Vercoe, Peter Cunningham, Simon Winchester, John Martin, Ian Diffey, Chris Sharpe, Philip Allgood, David Hide, Roy Carder;
Second Row: Alan King, Ian Birrell, Mrs Gwen Roberts, Mr JO Roberts, Gillian Roberts, "Bun", Bill Prothero, Tom Worthington;
Front Row: Peter Robbins, Geoffrey Branton, Chris Chambers, Julian Oddy, Michael Gasston, John Sherry, Ian White, R O'Callaghan, Peter Holmes.
Photo courtesy of Jack Crewe.

24 - Heathcote House 1960
Back Row: Michael Kann, Anthony Pugh, Fred Stoneham, Lewis, Colin Squibb, Robin Steel, Vince Dunn, Peter Robbins, Keith Dalziel, Michael Barrett, Julian Oddy;
Third Row: Ian White, Roy Carder, Roger Gale, John Martin, Simon Winchester, Michael Bates, Jack Crewe, Peter Holmes, Branton, O'Callaghan, John Sherry;
Second Row: David Hide, Godfrey lee, Ian Birrell, Mr JO Roberts, Mrs Gwen Roberts, "Bun", Spike Richards, Tom Worthington, Chris Sharpe, Ian Diffey;
Front Row: Harry Dike, Michael Hapgood, Tim Blagrove, Simon Dalziel, Michael Gaston, Chris Chambers, Richard Gallop, David Stooks, Richard Dobson.
Photo courtesy of Richard Gallop.

25 - Heathcote House 1963
Back Row: Mike Hapgood, Jason Braham, 'Sid' Fox, Tim Blagrove, John Mouland, Andrew Fall, Richard Gallop, David Stook, Chris Chambers, Simon Dalziel;
Third Row: Lewis, David Sims, Chris Chambers, Richard Dobson, Branton, Ian St.John White, Julian Oddey, Harry Dike, Timothy Leach, John Sloper, Mike Kann, Patrick Digby Morant;
Second Row: Michael Bates, Keith Warnock, Steven Roberts, Gillian Roberts, Mr JO Roberts, Mrs Gwen Roberts, Mr David Sochon?, Mrs Harris?, Fred Stoneham, Keith Dalziel;
Front Row: Richard Spry, Andrew Blagrove, Julian Tudor-Griffith, Derek Gallop, Maclean, 'Loopy' Laing, Frank Dike, Kevin Chambers.
Photo courtesy of Richard Gallop.

26 - Heathcote House 1964
Back Row: Tim Blagrove, Kevin Chambers, ?, Richard Dobson, ?, ?, ?;
Third Row: Derek Gallop, Steve Hickey, ?, ?, John Sloper, ?, ?, ?, ?, Jeremy Laing;
Second Row: Chris Chambers(?), Patrick Digby Morant, Mr David Sochon, Mrs Lythgoe, Mr Hugh Bax, Mrs Audrey Bax, Simon Dalziel, ?;
Front Row: Andy Blagrove, Julian Tudor-Griffith, ?, Andrew Sims, John Dike, Bill Mouland, Rollo Braham, Richard Spry.
Photo courtesy of Patrick Digby Morant via Margaret Koopman.

27 - Heathcote House 1965
Back Row: Andy Blagrove, Paul Sharrock, Pete Slater, Derek Gallop, Steve Hooper, Phil Slater, Richard Spry, ?, Leo Ingenhaag;
Third Row: Julian Tudor-Griffith, John Mouland, Jason Braham, Steve Hickey, Frank Dike, John Sloper, Kevin Chambers, Richard Gallop, Andrew Fall, Jeremy Laing;
Second Row: Simon Dalziel, Richard Dobson, Mr Geoff Ryall, Mrs Lythgoe, Mr Hugh Bax, Mrs Audrey Bax, Chris Chambers (?), Dave Sims, Tim Blagrove, Mick Hapgood ;
Front Row: Bill Mouland, Rollo Braham, John Turner, Andrew Sims, John Dike, Jonathan Bright, Thomas Hough, Dave Newnham.
Photo courtesy of Richard Gallop.

28 - Heathcote House Football XI 1968
Photo courtesy of Derek Gallop, who writes:
"Football (yes, football) XI. Housemaster Hugh Bax hated football, especially when we played it in the back garden of Heathcote and kicked the lawn to bits. So (confession time) when we challenged Southfields to a match one Sunday we hired the local recreation ground (with proper goals and nets) for the occasion. Heathcote played in the red school rugby shirts with white shorts, and we thought we were Manchested United. We played like them too... I have it on record that we won 9-0, hence the happy faces for the official team snap.
Back row (l to r): Rollo Braham, Rob Moakes, Rob Gamble, Jon Bright, Alan Turner;
Front row: Neil Archer, Bill Mouland, Andy Blagrove (big Man Utd fan, he must have chosen the kit), Derek Gallop, John Turner;
Seated front: Goalie Malcolm Stripp."

29 - Heathcote House June 1969
Photo courtesy of Derek Gallop, who writes:
"I apologise profusely to almost everyone in the 3rd & 4th years in this photo; so many names now escape me. Please e-mail me if you can help or if you are particularly offended!
Those I think I remember are:
Back row (l to r): Third from left is Simon Fenning, Rob Gamble is the big one in the middle, Titus Mercer next to him and Malcolm Stripp two along from him, Richard Dickson far right;
Middle row : Neil Archer, Thomas Hough, Dave Newnham, Owen Davies?, John Turner, Dave Lidgey, Paul Sharrock, Rob 'Mini' Moakes, Ian Mabberley?, ?, Alan Turner.
Front row: Jonathan 'Woody' Bright, Bill Mouland, Derek Gallop, Andy Blagrove, Mrs Lythgoe (Matron), Mr Hugh Bax, Mrs Audrey Bax, Phil Slater, Andrew Sims, Ben Mercer, Rollo Braham.
And the two seated at the front? Sorry chaps, get typing."

30 to 38 below show a set of nine sketches made by Richard Umbers in the early 1980's.

39 to 42 below show the inmates of Heathcote House in the early 1980's, but which year is which?
If you know, or can name any faces, please e-mail me
Easy to recognise are Mr PH Lewendon and Mr & Mrs N Lord.
Photos courtesy of Richard Umbers

39 - 1980/81: Back row, l to r: Bryant, ?, Mackay,?, James House, James Pressley, JL House, I Clayton, David Wood;
3rd row: Richard Umbers, Steven Cook, ?, ?, ?, ?, Phillip Cook, Simon Williams, ?, ?, Martin Harries;
2nd row: Peter Hinde, Tony Spence, ?, Mr Peter Lewendon (Master), Mr Neville Lord (House Master), Mrs Jennifer Lord, Mr Rolf, ?, Tim House, Chris Flannery, Gerald Hinde;
Front row: ?, ?, Christian Schindler, Mathew Lovegrove, Daniel Jalie, ?, ?, Tony Nicklen, Edward Hawkins, Richard Wood.

40 - 1981/2: Back row, l to r: ?, Tony Nicklen, ?, Bryant, ?, Simpson, Richard Ogg, ?, Richard Wood, Daniel Jalie;
3rd row: Clayton, David Wood, Martin Harries, Jonathan House, Richard Umbers, Phillip Cook, James House, James Pressley, Simon Williams, ?, Edward Hawkins;
2nd row: ?, Clayton, Steve Cook, Chris Flannery, ?, Mr Peter Lewendon, Mr Neville Lord (House Master), Mrs Jennifer Lord, Mr Humphry, Gerald Hinde, Mackay, ?;
Front row: Tim Flannery, Luke Lovegrove, Charles Reader, Baxter, ?, Richard Reader, Jamie Turner.

41 - 1982/3, in the Games hut: Left to right, back row: Jamie Turner, Steve Flannery, Luke Lovegrove, Richard Reader, ?, Charles Reader, Craig Baxter, ?, Chris Newton.


43 - Fast forward to 2010: Five Old Heathcotians from the '50s, at the reunion at the Dorchester Rugby Club (see also under "Reunions"):
Left to right: Ian Diffey, Alan King, David Hide, Tom Worthington, Jack Crewe.
Photo courtesy of Jack Crewe.

44 - The site of Heathcote House as it is today (2020).
Photo courtesy of Google Earth.

Other Boarding Houses